If you’re going to move, you might be pretty excited about that. Maybe you’re going to be moving from a smaller apartment to a nicer one. Perhaps you’re even moving from an apartment into your first house. Moving fragile items is another story.

No matter the circumstances of your move, you’ll need to contact a reliable moving company. You can look around to see which ones are in your area. You can look at some feedback of the companies around you. The ones with the best reviews should be on the list of ones to get your business. 

You can also look into a 12-foot truck rental and move your items yourself if you want. That will save you some money, and that might be a crucial factor if you just gave up most of your savings as a down payment on a new home. 

If you decide that you’re going to handle the move yourself, though, then you’ll need to think about how you will move your most fragile items. You might have a few that you care about a great deal, and you would never be able to forgive yourself if you accidentally broke some of them along the way. 

Let’s talk about some of the best ways to transport your fragile items if you have a move coming up soon. 

woman packing fragile items

The Heavier Items Will Be a Two-Person Job

You might have some heavy items that are going to be part of the move. For instance, while modern TVs have flat backs rather than the enormous ones that older models had, that does not mean a 70-inch TV will be light. It’s not as heavy with a thin back as one of these models would have been 30 years ago, but that does not mean you can handle one on your own.

Get someone strong to help you move. They can assist you with the TVs or anything else that’s large and delicate. 

If lifting something is a two-person job, then don’t be a hero and try to move it on your own. If you do, you might not just drop it and break it. You could throw your back out or injure yourself in some other way, and then you’ll be in no condition to enjoy your new home.  

Get Old Blankets from Goodwill for Padding

You can visit a Goodwill outlet to purchase some old blankets. Picking up half a dozen of them is a smart idea if you have a move coming up. They should not cost you any more than a few dollars.

You can spread them out on the floor of the vehicle you plan to use. They can act as a cushion for your more delicate items. 

You can also fold some of them up so they provide even more padding for things like full-length mirrors or antique clocks. You want to lay those down so they don’t fall over while the vehicle you’re using is moving. However, you also don’t want them to slide around and cause havoc if they’re heavy and capable of breaking other items you have stashed nearby. 

Get Boxes from a Company That Sells Them

If you are moving and don’t have very much in the way of possessions, then you may be able to get away with collecting a few boxes for your items from restaurants or other businesses in your area. However, if you are moving a whole house full of items, which is more likely the older you become, then it makes more sense to buy them in bulk from a company that sells them.

Buying boxes in bulk from a moving supply company means you can get them in any dimensions you want. That will be helpful if you have many items of different sizes. You can also buy bubble wrap and heavy-duty tape from the same company simultaneously.  

Get a Box For Each of Your TVs

If you have a very large TV, or more than one, you should not just carry it out to the moving truck and lay it on its side in the back, even if you have some blankets to lay it on. It’s too risky. A TV that size might be worth hundreds or thousands of dollars, and you will be very upset if it breaks. 

Instead, rent or buy special boxes that are shaped to hold a modern TV with a flat back. You can specifically find ones that will accommodate TVs that are of different sizes, such as 40 inches, 65 inches, etc. 

These boxes usually come with fabricated molds made of styrofoam that can hold the TV in place before you slide it into the box. Then, you can lift the box with another person and carry it to the truck. Make sure to lay the box on the floor of the vehicle rather than leaning it against the side, though. 

Wrap Up Each Glass Piece Individually

When you’re packing up the kitchen items, crumple up pieces of paper and put them in each glass to make it less likely they will break in transit. You can also fill each one with bubble wrap instead.

There are moving supply companies that sell bubble wrap in large rolls, and more than likely you will want to buy a couple of those at least. Putting bubble wrap or paper in each glass will fill the cavity inside it. Doing so, coupled with placing them carefully in a box that you don’t overpack, is the key to keeping those glass pieces from breaking. 

Carry the Most Valuable Items By Hand 

If you have a few extremely valuable pieces, like heirloom jewelry, then you will probably want to take those with you by hand. Packing them in a box is simply too risky

If you follow these steps, then you should be able to get your most valued items to your new domicile in one piece. You should also remember not to rush while you’re carrying anything to make sure you don’t drop it. 

We hope you found this blog post on What’s The Proper Way To Transport Fragile Items During A
useful. Be sure to check out our post on Tips to Moving With Delicate Items for more great tips!

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