People in the U.S. move frequently. In fact, around 35.5 million Americans move every year. If you’re planning a move soon, you’re probably a little stressed. Many people rate moving as one of the most stressful life events, even more than a divorce or breakup. This post will give you some helpful moving tips.
One of the reasons moving is so challenging is because it’s complicated and expensive. Fortunately, there’s a lot you can do to save money and reduce hassle.
Ready for the top moving tips that will help your budget and reduce stress? Here’s what you need to know.
1. Take Time to Pack
One of the reasons people spend extra money is because they wait until the last minute to pack their things. Eventually, it’s crunch time and they need to hire someone to help.
Don’t make this mistake! Instead, take the time to pack in advance. You can even create a schedule and pack room-by-room over a period of weeks. Start with areas you use less — like the basement or storage — and go from there.
Your kitchen should be the last packing job, but it’s often the biggest. To solve this problem, box things up in two stages. Pack everything you aren’t using in the next couple of weeks, and then go back at the end to get everything else ready to go.
Spreading out the work can make a big difference and save you money as well!
2. Find Free Moving Boxes
Buying boxes allows you to get uniform sizes and good quality, but it can be very expensive as well. Instead, get boxes for free.
You can go to the “cardboard only” recycling bin behind a shopping center or store and snag a ton of great boxes that way. You can talk to the manager of a retail store and see if they’ll save boxes for you.
If you move often, consider saving your boxes between moves if they’re in good condition. You may also find free or inexpensive moving boxes on Craigslist or other online marketplaces. Other folks are often happy to get rid of theirs without paying for garbage tags!
3. Use Newspaper or Other Old Papers For Packing
We all have a lot of paper trash. Why not put it to good use by using it for packing paper? From old newspapers to junk mail, you probably have a lot available to you.
Of course, you don’t want to use papers with personal information, like bills or credit card offers, unless you shred them first. But an inexpensive shredder can get you a ton of excellent padding for your valuables.
Talk to neighbors and friends and offer to reuse their newspaper and old non-personal papers. Most people will be happy to give them to you so they don’t have to dispose of them.
4. Create a Budget For Your Move
One key way to save money on any adventure is to document how much you’re willing to spend. If you’re moving locally, you might be able to keep a lower budget. On the other hand, you might be moving overseas and you need to get a car shipping quote and other information.
Regardless of the size of your move, budget for important items first. The shipping of your goods is more important than packing help or money for boxes.
The more you can do yourself, of course, the more money you can save.
5. Put Your “Unpack First” Items Together
When you get to your new home, there are specific items you’ll need right away. These should be packed together and clearly labeled.
For instance, you need toiletries, towels, and important cooking supplies. You’ll also want your electronics and chargers to be easy to find. Include snacks and water as well, since you may not have a full pantry right away.
Another important thing to keep together is bedding. You can remove sheets and pillows the day of the move and put them in bags, and then they can easily be unpacked first at the new place.
6. Schedule Your Time Off
If you work a traditional full-time job, moving may put stress on your work schedule. The more you plan ahead, the better. If you’re keeping your job, schedule paid time off for your move so you don’t lose money by not working.
If you are changing jobs, consider avoiding paid time off so that your final paycheck will include a vacation payout. This extra money can help you pay for moving expenses and bridge the gap until your first paycheck from the new job comes in.
7. Take Advantage of Discounts and Coupons
Sometimes you can find discounts on movers or other expenses online or through the post office. Everyone has to change their address, so that’s a great place for companies to advertise.
Look at Groupon or call local companies to compare rates. Everything from car shipping rates to moving labor can be shopped around and even negotiated.
When you take advantage of available discounts, you can save significant amounts of money. Finding a 20%, 30%, or higher coupon can make a huge difference!
8. Keep Your Moving Papers Together
There are a lot of important papers you need when you move. Keep them all together in a manila envelope so they don’t get lost or fall out.
You might want information about your new town, utilities, where city hall is, and what registration details are for your car, school, and more. You can also keep your moving quotes, contracts, and contact information in the folder.
Make sure the folder is clearly labeled so you don’t lose it in the shuffle!
These Moving Tips Will Reduce Stress and Save Money
Moving is complicated and takes a lot of time. The best thing you can do is not put it off until the last minute. Start packing right away.
You can pack all non-essential items and save the week of moving for the final push. Keeping your open-first box front-and-center will help, as will keeping your important papers together. When you’re organized and have a clear budget, you’ll have a simpler and cheaper move!
We hope you found this blog post on Top 8 Budget Friendly Home Moving Tips for, useful. Be sure to check out our post on 9 Important Things to Do Before Moving Out of Your House for more great tips!
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