houses in winter

Although summer may be the busiest season of the year for real estate, moving in winter can have its perks. A significant downside to relocating during the winter months is the cold outdoors or snow that can make transporting your personal items a hassle. Despite the challenging weather, sometimes moving in winter can be worth the effort for the money you save. Whether you are choosing to move during this season or are obligated, here are ten tips to consider when moving during wintertime.

1. Watch the Weather

Moving in the cold is difficult enough, but when you add snow or ice into the mix it can create an impossible situation. A few days before and on the day of your winter move, be sure to vigilantly watch the weather forecast. It is always best to reschedule rather than risk having an accident. If you are working with a moving company, reach out in advance to make sure everything is ready to go.

During a winter move, it can be best to take main roads over back roads with any amount of snow or ice. Heavily trafficked streets are often cleared before other routes. It may also be a good idea to have your car serviced before the move, especially if you will be traveling a long way.

2. Expect Delays

In addition to the cold weather, days are shorter during the winter months. You will not have as many daylight hours to transport your items as during the summertime. Be sure to plan for extra days and begin earlier in the morning, if possible.

3. Prepare Your Car and Walkways

If there is ice or snow on moving day, take the time to salt and shovel your driveway and walkways. This additional effort could prevent someone from slipping and getting injured. Defrost your car ahead of time as well. It may already be difficult to see if you have boxes in your car. You don’t want icy windows to make the situation worse.

4. Be Extra Organized

It is always a good idea to stay organized when planning a move. During winter, it can be especially helpful for decreasing the amount of time outside. By diligently organizing and labeling boxes inside, you create a more efficient and clear process. If you are scrambling around at the last minute, it can leave people out in the cold while also burning precious daylight hours.

5. Turn on the Heat Ahead of Time

Before your winter move, check with the utilities company to make sure your new house is set up and ready to go. This will avoid arriving to a freezing house without electricity or hot water. You may also want to check the weather that day.

6. Wrap Breakables Extra Carefully

Glass is more fragile in the cold or snow. You will need to be excessively cautious when packing these items in winter. It would be disappointing to break all of your glass or fine china during the move. Wrap these items with bubble wrap and place them in spot where they will not shift during the drive.

7. Wear Layers and Non-Slip Shoes

Even though it may be cold outside, you might warm up quickly with the physical task of lifting and carrying boxes in your move. Wear layers so you can bundle up when you are outside and take off clothes when you get warm. Additionally, wear non-slip shoes for traction on slick surfaces. Even though it may be warmer outside in some winter months, always be careful with where you step since there could be leftover ice or snow.

8. Bring Spare Clothes and Towels in Your Car

It is also a good idea to keep a change of clothes, gloves, socks, and old towels in your car. With ice and snow, it can be easy to get wet or for floors to become slippery. Keep extra clothes and towels on hand for when you need to change or wipe up puddles.

9. Have a Strategy for Selling Your House

One factor involved in moving during winter is that you might be selling your house during a slow time of year for real estate. On one hand, that means that you will have fewer people looking at your house, but on the other hand that typically indicates more serious buyers. If your house is not purchased as quickly as you would like, another option is to sell your house to a reputable cash home buyer, such as Pavel Buys Houses. In the end, you need to create a strategy for selling your house that will work best for your situation and the weather.

10. Moving in Winter Can Help You Save Money

Since winter is a less busy time of year for moving and storage companies, they will be more likely to go down on price. Don’t be afraid to bargain for a better deal. Look out for seasonal discounts or other promotions that could be offered during the winter months.

Overall, moving is a difficult process no matter what season you are in. The best approach is to move at a time that is most convenient for you and prepare for the difficulties that each season brings. If you have to relocate during wintertime, there are ways to combat the challenges and weather so you are settled into a warm, new house as quickly as possible.

We hope you found this blog post Tips to Consider When Relocating During Wintertime, useful. Be sure to check out our post Moving In Winters – A Small Guide To Help You Shift In The Cold for more great tips!


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