tips for selling your home

Check out tips for selling your home faster

Moving home can be a stressful undertaking – for the vast majority of people, it is a very challenging experience. Sometimes it can seem like selling your property takes forever if you already have somewhere to go but are waiting on the sale of your current dwelling. 

Many potential buyers may find it a little difficult to see themselves living in what is clearly someone’s home. So, anything you can do to help them visualise themselves enjoying the space will generally make them more eager to move in. 

Follow these real estate agent-approved tips to fast-track the sale of your home and get your chain moving as soon as possible. Why wait when you can sell, pack up and get moving?


Although potential buyers know that they won’t be buying your home with the furniture and belongings in it, a cluttered interior can make it more difficult for them to envisage their own style. Clutter can distract attention from the attractive architectural features of the property, and may also give the impression that the place needs more work than it actually does. Pack away anything you don’t need out on view so each room looks tidy when prospective buyers look at your home.

Hold a garage sale to offload items you don’t want or need. Moving can be a great opportunity to go through your belongings and find new owners for things you no longer need. Plus, it can be a fun way of raising a little extra cash. 

Think about investing in a gallery hanging system to hang your art and photos in a stylish display. When hung well, your art and photos will look attractive and welcoming, and even help potential buyers imagine creating their own exhibition of family mementos. 

If you can’t sell the things you no longer have a use for, you could instead do some good with them by making sure they reach an appreciative home. There is now a range of apps enabling the donation of goods to communities that need them. Charity shops are always grateful for extra stock of quality used clothing and household wares. 


If there are any rooms or areas of the home that need a boost, add a quick coat of paint in a neutral tone for an immediate makeover. This can help potential buyers visualise what the property could look like with their own decor and also keeps the interior looking clean. Pale colours on walls and ceilings also tend to make rooms look larger and airier too. 

Refreshing your home applies to the exterior as well. Don’t discount the importance of ‘kerb appeal’ in creating good first impressions and a positive perception of the property. A lick of paint, a freshly cleaned window pane, and tidy bins can all make a difference. Make external changes well in advance of booked viewings as potential buyers may drive past and visit the property ahead of time to get a feel for the street and the area.

You needn’t spend a great deal of money on this but there may be significant benefits. Don’t underestimate finishing touches and small details for making a positive impact. Even a general tidy of leaves on the drive and fresh flowers in a window can make a difference. On the day of a viewing, little things like clearing away all used dishes in the kitchen, plumping cushions on the sofa, and a quick vacuum of rugs and carpets will make sure your home is looking its best when prospective purchasers arrive. 

Another quick way to refresh your home for an upcoming sale is to refinish metalware. Tarnished metal gives your decor an outdated look. You can revive your old tankards, tea sets, candle holders, candle holders, and more by repolishing and buffing silverware, brass, bronze, copper, and pewter. Luckily, repolishing old metalware is something you can do on your own. You can even do some cleaning using items you can find on your fridge. If you want to go all the way, buffing wheels and metal cleaning kits are easily available in your local hardware stores. Try it out and see how much a simple refresh can change the overall look of your home.

Sell well

Skilled real estate agents and realtors will know exactly what areas of a property they’re selling to downplay and which to highlight. Of course, each agent works in a different manner. Ideally, you should interview three agents before deciding on one. 

It’s possible to have more than one agent working on your behalf. Make sure you trust an agent will represent you and your property well throughout the process. This includes feeling that you can communicate honestly and effectively with them and that they will manage all aspects of the sale competently and transparently.

If you’re compiling your own online listings, consider investing in a professional photographer to take pictures of the property, or have a copywriter proofread and edit your listing details. This can give your listing an edge that indicates you’re serious about the sale.


There are now more opportunities than ever for sellers to market properties online. These can be used to maximise the viewing audience for your property. You may consider online listings on relevant property websites alongside virtual viewings, pre-recorded video tours, 3D photos, and 365-degree visuals. 

An effective real estate agent or realtor will be able to advise you of realistic options for your home and help make them happen. Digitised marketing methods for home sales are particularly helpful for those looking to relocate, as they may be based some distance away. They’re also helpful for those with accessibility or travel issues and those unable or unwilling to visit in person due to illness. Offering information on a property sale online can also reveal its potential to a larger audience.

Digitising a property listing means that sharing it with others is quick and easy. People can then show their family and friends the house details as well as pass on listings to anyone else they think may be interested. You may be surprised just how much a listing is shared amongst those in the same neighbourhood. Locals may encourage friends or relatives to view the property to persuade them to move closer. If your local newspaper or community websites include property listings or articles on listings, contact them as every bit of exposure helps. 

Selling a home and moving home can be a testing time, but there are many techniques to take advantage of that don’t cost much. Ensure buyers can see the love and care you’ve taken with your property, and they’ll soon be wanting to do the same. 

We hope you found this blog post on What are the 3 ways to sell your house fast? useful. Be sure to check out our post on Best Landscaping and Hardscaping Tips To Sell Your Home Quickly for more great tips!

What Are The 3 Ways To Sell Your House Fast?

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