Moving is something that is inevitable for most people due to various reasons. So, it’s possible that you have to move from your old house to a new one due to a certain reason as well. Although it looks simple, moving can become a nightmare if you do it wrong. For example, you may want to take everything you love from your old house including the Aku panel installed in it, but that’s something you mustn’t do. To avoid that from happening, here are 3 things you have to pay attention to when moving from your old house.
Plan everything carefully
The first thing to pay attention to when moving is to plan everything carefully. This is so important because no matter how many times you have experienced moving from your old house to a new one, moving will always be a challenging task. If you don’t plan the move carefully, this activity which should be a piece of cake will turn into a nightmare. When you want to move, there are several things you have to plan, such as the determining the day when you want to move, the mover company you’re going to hire and the budget for their services, the things that you want to take and where you’re going to put them in the new house, etc. To make sure you won’t forget any of those, it’s best to make a to-do list and check the items on the list one by one after you have completed the tasks.
Leave most things attached to your old house
The first thing to pay attention to when moving is to leave most things attached to your old house. Such things may include wooden wall panels, wallpapers, vinyl flooring, and so on. No matter how you love those things, you have to leave them behind because they will most likely break when you remove them. Besides, even if you remove them, they will most likely not match your new house. This becomes even more important if you intend to sell your old house because those things can increase its value. And if you already sell them, keeping those things attached to your new house will prevent the one who buys your house from feeling like being pranked because the house he/she buys is different from the one he/she saw before.
Pack everything you need to take before the moving day
The second thing to pay attention to when moving from your old house is to pack everything you need to take from the moving day. This can sometimes be quite tricky, especially if you have so many things to take from your old house to the new one. So, it’s best to pack the things one by one and finish this activity, several days before moving. However, you have to put essential things such as cutlery, toiletries, beds, and others as the last things to pack. Otherwise, you won’t be able to eat, take a bath, and sleep properly before the moving day comes.
Handle important documents with care
Another thing to pay attention to when moving is to handle important documents with care. It’s quite common for people to lose some important documents such as birth certificates, property deeds, medical records, financial statements, etc. due to the hassle during the moving process. However, it doesn’t necessarily happen if you handle them with care before moving. So, before you pack other things such as furniture and tableware, it’s recommended to gather all your important documents and put them in one container such as a big envelope or binder. That way, you will know where to look for them when you are already at your new home.
Prepare your new home for the moving day
The next thing to pay attention to when moving is to prepare your new home for the moving day. This is a very important thing that many people overlook because when it comes to moving, people’s minds tend to focus on getting all the things out of the old home. Of course, that is not wrong, but you also have to prepare your new home before moving. In this case, you can come to the new home a few days before the moving day, clean it, and make sure that all utilities such as electricity, water, and internet work well. That way, you will have everything you need in your new home during the moving day. It’s also best to plan where you want to put the furniture and all other things, especially the large ones, from your old house in the new one. Although this seems like a trivial thing, this can save you from having to spend hours moving your large furge pieces of furniture from one place to another to find the right spots.
Hire a trusted mover
The last thing to pay attention to when moving from your old house is to hire a trusted mover. Since there are plenty of moving companies you can find out there, this can be a bit tricky. It’s because if you hire the wrong mover, you will not only have a bad experience, but also have to spend more money. To get a trusted mover, you can find one on the internet and hire the one with the best reviews. Another way of getting a trusted mover is to get recommendations from your friends or relatives who moved recently.
We hope you found this blog post on 6 Things You Have To Pay Attention To When Moving From Your Old House, useful. Be sure to check out our post on How to Remain Calm and Stress-Free While Moving Abroad – A checklist for more great tips!
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