It’s challenging enough to move. But include actual living things like plants into your moving equation, and the relocation stress gets tougher to handle. You might be already thinking about how to transport your houseplants and ensure they remain healthy and productive in your new home. Your botanical friends need good care when moving them to their new home.
Whether you’re using indoor grow systems that take advantage of the latest technologies like hydroponic gardening, or you are still a fan of older houseplant techniques that still embrace the benefits of soil, various ways exist to help you transport your botanical friends safely. Are you eager to learn how you can transport your lovely plants? Let’s find out how you can achieve that effortlessly.
Before Moving Day
Before a moving day arrives, you need to complete a few important tasks, including the following:
Find a Top-Rated Moving Company and Speak with Experts
Do you have a lot of houseplants that you want to move? It’s advisable to speak to your moving company early enough. Let experts know in advance that you’re banking on them to transport your botanical colleagues. House plants are usually delicate and effortlessly broken. Some of them are grown in delicate hydroponic systems that need professional care.
If your moving company isn’t able to help you move your plants, then have an alternative to transport them. Transporting plants using your own transport option is the most preferred way since you will be more cautious with them.
Check Your Houseplants for Diseases and Pests
If you’re an experienced plant parent, chances are high that your plants don’t have any pests or diseases. Before you collect your plants and put them in a single place or transportation container, be sure to check all of them to ensure there are no bugs. There is no need to risk infecting your entire botanical family.
If you’re a beginner, you should find the right guide online to help you get rid of pests and diseases. The good news is that some gardening techniques completely eliminate diseases and pests from your farming equation, such as hydroponics.
Growing houseplants hydroponically means that you’re farming without soil. A hydroponic garden utilizes a nutrient-rich solution, artificial light, and an air/water pump to make sure that your houseplants grow healthy. Since soil isn’t part of the farming equation, most diseases and pests cannot thrive in such a setting.
Consider Pruning and Avoid Watering Right Before Moving
If you have mature indoor plants, it is advisable to prune them a little before moving. Pruning allows you to get your plants back into compact shapes, making it easier to pack and transport. With compact shapes, there is less risk of limbs being damaged.
While pruning is a basic requirement, you don’t need to water your indoor plants right before moving. This means that they’ll be less heavy when transporting them. Also, it helps eliminate the risk of leakage.
On Moving Day
You also have some tasks to complete on your moving day to make sure your plants are comfortable. On a moving day, you’ll need to:
Remove Plants from Decorative Pots
If possible and practical, remove your botanical friends from their respective decorative containers. Ensure they’re in their nursery containers when transporting. This ensures that they’re lighter and easier to carry.
Also, this will minimize the possibility of damaging your favorite decorative pots. Doing so allows you to wrap and pack your pots separately and transport them safely.
Wrap up Delicate or Large Plants
If practical, ensure you wrap up your large or delicate houseplants. Place your plants in separate boxes and then secure them with biodegradable packing peanuts or scrunched-up newspaper.
You want your plants secured but not squashed. If you have huge plants that don’t seem to fit in sizable boxes, including the likes of fiddle leaf fig tree, wrap them up in horticultural fleece. A horticultural fleece is created to ensure your plants remain warm during winter. It provides some padding without having to weigh your plant down.
Insulate Your Plants During Winter
Are you moving when it’s very cold? You need to get a lot of horticultural fleece. Wrap up your plants carefully to enable you to reduce their exposure to the outdoor elements. With proper insulation, your indoor plants won’t be affected in any way during transportation.
In Your New Destination
Have you arrived at your new destination safely with your plants? Don’t forget them. They still need your presence and professional care. So what do you need to do once you arrive? Let’s find out more.
Immediately Unpack Them
Unpacking isn’t a favorite task for most homeowners. But immediately you arrive, be sure to unpack all of your botanical friends. They don’t like darkness and restricted environments. They may easily damage or dry if you leave them unpacked for several days.
Keep Your Plants in a Calm Place
Once you arrive in your new location, be sure to make things relaxed and nice for your houseplants. They’ll want to find a neutral environment as they settle in their new surroundings. Put them in a place that has a medium level of light, not shady, and no direct sun. Do not water your plants immediately after arriving.
Take a mister and give them an excellent spritz. If watering them is a must, ensure you are doing it gently and not a complete soak. Leave your plants to rest for anywhere between three and four days.
Don’t Feed them Straight Away
You do not want to cause your plants any stress as they acclimatize. This means avoiding repotting, pruning, or feeding for some weeks. Doing so helps you to put your botanical family into a growing mode. Allow them to get the feel of the new place and settle in comfortably.
How Can Gardyn Help You with Indoor Plants?
Gardyn provides you with a stylish, sleek, and modern indoor grow system that is easy to transport. This system can enable you to grow a range of plants, from veggies and fruits to herbs and flowers.
It uses Gardyn’s HybriponicsTM technology that allows you to benefit from high-density vertical growth and around 30 plants in a 2 sq. ft. space. With this hydroponic tower garden, you can elevate your indoor gardening experience and enjoy a smooth transition to your new destination.
We hope you found this blog post on The Most Perfect Way to Move Your Houseplants Without Stressing Them, useful. Be sure to check out our post on How to Successfully Move Houseplants to a New Home for more great tips!
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