smart home technology

When we think of the latest smart devices, we probably envisage people from the millennial generation and younger optimizing their lifestyles with the latest digital technology. While that’s definitely common, a more unexpected demographic is also taking to this technology trend like ducks to water. Today, 50 year-olds and up are finding that smart home technology is making their home lives safer and more convenient, while helping them maintain independence long into their golden years.

Older Generation Less Tech Averse Than Previously Thought

The stereotype that older people are resistant to new technology seems more like a misconception every year. To begin with, people in their fifties are already familiar with technology as a central part of their lives, whether at work or at home. Some studies suggest that as many as one in seven adults over the age of fifty use a home assistant like Alexa or Google Home. A much larger proportion also owns a smartphone, so much so that the proportion is more or less the same as the general population.

Voice Control Could Be a Game Changer

Voice control has been a major reason for smart technology taking off with senior generations. Many may not be wholly comfortable navigating a touchscreen interface by themselves, but have no problem using voice commands to operate their smart devices. This goes doubly for anyone suffering from mobility issues or poor eyesight. With modern smart home integration, a single interface can be used to operate a whole suite of domestic technology, including lighting, security, temperature control, and entertainment. Smart home gadgets also help older people navigate difficulties that are typical of advancing years. Smart devices can help manage medications and help seniors keep in touch with friends and family around the clock. Additionally, online shopping enabled by smart devices can schedule convenient tasks to allow older people more leisure time.

Smart Home Ideas and Design Innovations

As we move further into the digital age, more opportunities are appearing for technology to accommodate the needs of older users into their lives. Digital sensors and technology controls are combining with innovations in affordable motorized technology to produce more sophisticated and powerful domestic technologies. Combined with the growth of the Internet of Things, this means that it’s never been easier to create an innovative home environment built around the needs of older or disabled residents. It also means care and monitoring can be provided to vulnerable adults around the clock.

Could There Be Downsides to Smart Home Technology?

Of course, the going hasn’t all been completely smooth. Unfortunately, no amount of smart technology can overcome fundamental structural problems in a poorly designed home that’s not fit for elderly habitation. There is also an upper limit to how complicated the operation of a smart device can be, whether the user is old or young. Even the best smart home system can never replace the fundamental need for genuine human contact. There remains the fear that once your aging relative is established in their smart home, you may take that as carte blanche to abandon them to nothing but the auspices of digital technology. Many people argue that digital communication such as social media has eroded the value of face-to-face contact and the nuanced benefits this provides. Say we found ourselves in our later years surrounded by technology without any real human contact: we would probably not be happy if the only conversations we ever had were with a smart home assistant. Nor is there any technology available that could replace the attentions of hospice or care home staff for those older or infirm people who are severely vulnerable.

Conclusion: Smart Home Ideas May Provide Better Living for the Elderly

smart home

That said, as time goes on, basic daily tasks can become harder and harder as the years go on. Smart home systems offer an opportunity to minimize the potential struggles that aging can present. While many older people fiercely guard their independence, this technology could present a compromise that allows technology to do some heavy lifting that would otherwise be left to them or their adult children. New designs and innovations for smart home products are appearing every year, and it seems as though the sector has potential for tremendous economic growth. With a smart home alert system in place, family members and emergency services can be called to help an elderly person who trips at home and can’t get up. Surely there’s no price that can’t be paid for technology that affords such peace of mind.

We hope you found this blog post Older Generation Discovering Benefits of Smart Home Technology, useful. Be sure to check out our post What Smart Home Technologies Should Go With You When You Move? for more great tips!


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