In 2024, bathrooms are going through a big change, focusing on how they look and what they can do. There are lots of new things happening, like fancy taps and showers that save water, and designs that are kind to the environment. Let’s take a closer look at the top trends making a splash in bathrooms this year.

Firstly, people love the new fixtures that not only look good but also work really well. You’ve got taps that turn on and off with just a touch, and showers that feel like a spa experience. Secondly, there’s a huge push towards designs that are eco-friendly, using materials that don’t harm the planet. Things like recycled tiles and water-saving toilets are becoming really popular.

Overall, 2024 is all about making bathrooms beautiful and practical at the same time. It’s exciting to see how these trends are shaping the way we think about our personal spaces.

trendy bathroom design

1. Sustainable Fixtures

This trend has gained popularity due to increasing awareness of environmental issues and a growing preference for eco-friendly products in home design. Here’s what typically characterises sustainable fixtures in bathrooms:

  • Water Efficiency: Sustainable fixtures are designed to minimise water usage without compromising on performance. 
  • Energy Efficiency: Fixtures that reduce energy consumption are also considered sustainable. This can include energy-efficient LED lighting fixtures, as well as bathroom ventilation systems that are designed to save energy.
  • Recycled and Eco-Friendly Materials: Sustainable fixtures often incorporate recycled materials or materials that have a lower environmental impact. For example, countertops made from recycled glass or composite materials, and tiles made from recycled ceramic or glass.
  • Durable and Long-lasting: Sustainability also encompasses durability. Fixtures that are well-made and designed to last longer reduce the need for frequent replacements, thereby reducing overall environmental impact.
  • Non-Toxic and Low VOC: Sustainable fixtures are often manufactured using non-toxic materials and low volatile organic compounds (VOCs), which contribute to better indoor air quality and reduce harmful emissions.
  • Design Aesthetics: Increasingly, sustainable fixtures are designed to be aesthetically pleasing as well, catering to homeowners who seek both style and sustainability in their bathroom designs.

Incorporating sustainable fixtures not only benefits the environment but also contributes to creating a healthier and more efficient bathroom space.

2. Rimless Toilets

One of the standout innovations in bathroom hygiene is the rimless toilet. This design gets rid of the usual rim where bacteria and dirt can build up, which makes cleaning much simpler and helps maintain high hygiene standards. Here’s why rimless toilets are becoming a popular trend in modern bathrooms

  • Hygiene: They’re designed without the traditional rim around the bowl, which makes them easier to clean and reduces places where dirt and germs can hide.
  • Efficiency: Rimless toilets often use less water per flush compared to older models, making them more environmentally friendly.
  • Aesthetics: They have a sleek and contemporary look, fitting well into modern bathroom designs.
  • Odour Control: Some rimless toilets have features that help reduce odours, keeping the bathroom fresher for longer.

Rimless toilets are gaining popularity due to their cleanliness benefits, efficiency, and aesthetic appeal, making them a significant trend in bathroom design and functionality.

3. Minimalist Design

Minimalist design” in bathrooms refers to a style that focuses on simplicity, functionality, and clean lines. It’s about creating a serene and clutter-free space where every element serves a purpose without unnecessary embellishments. Here are some key aspects of minimalist design in bathrooms:

  • Simplicity: Minimalist bathrooms favour simple and straightforward designs over ornate or decorative elements.
  • Clean lines: Straight lines and geometric shapes are preferred, giving a neat and organised appearance.
  • Neutral colours: Colour palettes often include neutral shades such as white, grey, beige, or earth tones, promoting a calming atmosphere.
  • Functional fixtures: Bathroom fixtures like sinks, toilets, and showers are chosen for their practicality and efficiency.
  • Limited accessories: Minimalist bathrooms typically have few accessories, with an emphasis on functionality rather than decoration.
  • Ample storage: Storage solutions are integrated into the design to keep essentials out of sight, maintaining a tidy space.

Overall, minimalist design in bathrooms promotes a sense of calmness and order, making the space feel spacious and inviting.

4. Smart Technology Integration

Smart Technology Integration in bathrooms refers to the incorporation of advanced electronic devices and systems to enhance convenience, comfort, and efficiency. Here’s how it’s transforming bathroom spaces:

  • Automated Fixtures: Devices like smart faucets and showers that can be controlled via voice commands or mobile apps, allowing users to adjust water temperature and flow without physical contact.
  • Sensor-Activated Lighting: Lighting systems that use motion sensors to detect movement, automatically illuminating the bathroom when someone enters and turning off when vacant.
  • Smart Mirrors: Mirrors equipped with features such as built-in LED lighting, anti-fogging technology, and integrated displays for weather updates, news headlines, or even streaming music.
  • Water Efficiency: Smart toilets and taps equipped with sensors to monitor water usage, helping conserve water by adjusting flow rates and detecting leaks early.
  • Temperature Control: Smart thermostats that allow users to preset and control the temperature of their bathroom environment, ensuring comfort during showers and baths.
  • Entertainment Systems: Waterproof speakers integrated into showerheads or bathroom ceilings, enabling users to enjoy music or podcasts while bathing.

These technologies aim to make bathrooms more user-friendly, energy-efficient, and enjoyable through seamless integration with everyday technology.

5. Spa-like Features

Spa-like features” in bathrooms refer to elements that create a relaxing and luxurious atmosphere similar to a spa. This trend focuses on turning ordinary bathrooms into spaces that promote comfort and well-being. Here are some key aspects:

  • Luxurious Materials: Use of high-quality materials such as marble, granite, or natural stone for surfaces like countertops and floors.
  • Soaking Tubs: Installation of deep, freestanding tubs designed for long, relaxing baths.
  • Rainfall Showers: Showers equipped with large shower heads that mimic the gentle, soothing sensation of rainfall.
  • Lighting: Soft, ambient lighting that enhances relaxation, often using dimmers or warm-toned bulbs.
  • Natural Elements: Incorporation of natural elements like plants, bamboo, or wooden accents to bring a sense of nature indoors.
  • Storage Solutions: Clever storage options to keep the space clutter-free, enhancing the overall serene ambience.
  • Aromatherapy: Introduction of scented candles, essential oils, or diffusers to create a calming aroma in the bathroom.

These features aim to transform the bathroom into a private retreat where one can unwind and rejuvenate after a long day.

Optimising for Plumbing Services

For homeowners dealing with a plumbing emergency or seeking professional plumbers to install these modern fixtures, it’s crucial to have access to reliable plumbing services. Whether it’s installing water-saving fixtures or addressing issues with smart technology integration, professional plumbers ensure that your bathroom renovations are executed efficiently and to the highest standards.


As we progress through 2024, bathrooms are evolving into spaces that blend functionality with style and sustainability. From sustainable fixtures to smart technology and spa-like features, homeowners have a myriad of options to create their ideal bathroom retreat. Embracing trends like rimless toilets not only enhances hygiene but also contributes to a contemporary bathroom design that is easy to maintain. For those looking to upgrade their bathrooms or handle plumbing emergencies, partnering with professional plumbers ensures that these trends are seamlessly integrated into your home.

By staying informed about these trends and leveraging professional plumbing services, homeowners can transform their bathrooms into modern havens that combine luxury, efficiency, and environmental responsibility.

We hope you found this blog post on What Is The Trend In Bathrooms? useful. Be sure to check out our post on 5 Contemporary Bathroom Designs for Every Home for more great tips!

9 Things to Consider Before Starting a Bathroom Renovation

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