Bed bugs in your home are a good reason to move. Once you find out about bed bugs in the living room or other parts of the house, you have significant reasons to find a new place. You want to live someplace else to keep these bugs away. But how do you make sure the bugs don’t go with you? Keep in mind that bed bugs can get transferred with individual belongings, which causes more trouble in your new living space.
Moving To A New Locale Without Taking The Bed Bugs With You
When you move, keep the following points in mind:
- Keep all your belongings in plastic bags. Seal them tightly. Sort the items by categories like blankets, sheets, towels, and clothes. Keep the infested items away from the clean ones.
- Ensure that every member changes their clothes and takes a shower once they enter the new house. Keeping the old clothes separate for cleaning is crucial.
- Make every family member aware of the importance of protecting themselves from these bed bugs. You may use fact sheets and other resources to educate them.
- Before allowing access to personal belongings in the new home, make sure every item is cleared. Keep in mind that they must be bug-free, or else the process will repeat.
- Have access to reliable laundry services.
- Follow all the cleaning steps and laundering processes for your items. In case you have things that cannot be sanitized in plastic bags, you may enlist the help of professional pest managers. These individuals have solutions that will help in keeping the bugs away. Moreover, they have the professional know-how and experience of working in this field.
- Make provisions for bed bug proof secured mattresses for your bed. Moreover, if bugs are present in the sofas and other areas, cover those.
- Whether you are moving temporarily or permanently, try to leave the furniture behind. Treating the furnishings is crucial before you carry them inside the new house.
- You must also relocate your pets during the treatment. Leave behind their cages for thorough treatment.
How Will You Protect Your Family Members From Bed Bugs?
Bed bugs are a severe threat to people all across the world. Just like mosquitoes, these insects feed on blood. They live in the home and especially around the bed. They bite at night when people are asleep. These bed bugs have three stages of life: egg, young, and adult. Bed bugs vary in size from sesame seed to poppy seed. If you notice bites, look for these insects in the bed. People react differently to bed bug bites. Hence, you should know some facts regarding bed bugs.
Facts Regarding Bed Bugs
Bed bugs are not responsible for diseases in human beings. They may trigger asthma but not severe illnesses. Moreover, they cannot jump or fly, but they can run very fast. They are large enough to be seen with the naked eye and can be transported in personal belongings. They are often noticed on thrown-out furniture and may travel through a building. It is hard to control these bed bugs, but they can be eliminated and prevented. Adult bed bugs may be as big as an apple seed.
How Can You Help Yourself In Case Of Bed Bugs?
First and foremost, you must not panic. These insects are not life-threatening. Here are some steps to take:
- Get in touch with your building manager, social service provider, or landlord before moving into a new apartment. Follow instructions provided to keep these bugs away.
- Wash clothes thoroughly and dry them for at least thirty minutes to kill the bugs. After that, pack them up.
- Never purchase clothing or furniture from unknown individuals. They may have bed bugs. In addition to this, never use pesticides on your own.
- You may get professional help for controlling these bed bugs. A pest control company will conduct effective treatment. The first sign of these insects is a group of bites.
- These companies have experienced personnel who can carry out an effective pest exterminator service. These companies have special provisions for these kinds of services which play a significant role in controlling the bugs.
- Cooperate with these professionals who are there to help you out. It will help in preventing the spread of these insects and thereby protect your house.
When you identify these bugs, try to capture them on sticky tape and store them for proper identification. Do not assume beforehand that they are bed bugs. Only professionals will be able to positively identify the insects.
We hope you found this blog post How To Deal With A Bed Bug Infestation Before You Move, useful. Be sure to check out our post Tips To Move Into A New Pest-Free Home for more great tips!
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