Selling your home fast is an outstanding achievement, but you need to move out as soon as possible to allow the new owner to occupy the property. If you have lived there long, it can be challenging to be packed and gone overnight. Nonetheless, you shouldn’t drag out the process because it will inconvenience the new owner. If you expect some delays due to unavoidable circumstances, you should discuss that with the new owner. However, here are some tips on how to be packed and ready to move out once your house sells:
Get Help
When you have a deadline to move and work alone, it can be a nightmare to get everything done on time. Therefore, use all the help you can get. With many people helping, things will move swiftly and efficiently. Your relatives and friends should be the first people you contact in this case.
Make it a fun event by offering to buy them food and drinks. A packing playlist also adds fun and cheer to the event. It hardly seems like work when people are having fun, and good music can give you that. Nevertheless, if you don’t assign tasks and remain organized, you will hardly get anything done even if there are many people to help. Thus, prep before the help arrives to avoid wasting their time.
When there are too many unwanted things lying around, packing will be slow. Therefore, take your time to declutter. Sort items in terms of what to take with you, toss away or donate. This process can take lots of time, especially if you have lived in the house for a long time. People tend to hold on to things they no longer need just because of their sentimental value. To avoid dwelling on this longer than you should, touch items only once and ask yourself how often you have used them in the past six months. If anything has remained tucked away for longer than that, it belongs in the “toss” or “donate” pile.
Work in Sections
Sorting and packing will take forever if you don’t have a formula. Sectioning the process allows you to move seamlessly. Start with the rooms you rarely use, like the basement and the attic. On the day before you move you can pack your bedroom and living room. If you have another accommodation, it will make things easier because you won’t have to leave things out. Additionally, you can collect the daily-use items in the same room and have cartons ready to hold them on D-day.
Get Packing Materials
If you aren’t getting the help of movers, you have to secure cartons and other materials required on your own. However, some movers will provide them. You can get packing boxes easily from retailers or make use of old ones in the house. Borrowing from your friends and family is also an option, and it helps you save money in the process. Having packing items ready is not only time and money-saving but also less frustrating because you won’t be worried about where to squeeze in your books or your favorite china set.
Hold a Weekend Sale
You don’t always have to donate or toss away the things you no longer need. If they can be useful to other people, then you can sell them. This helps you do away with the items quickly and earn some money in the process. You can hold a weekend garage sale from the comfort of your house. Just arrange the things attractively and set low prices. The idea is to get rid of the items and not make a fortune selling them.
Have a Moving Timeline
You always think you have time to pack and move until the deadline draws near and you haven’t done much. Thus, you ought to create a moving timeline. It will be a way to monitor your moving progress as you close the sale. That way, the moment the deal is done, you will have done the prep work to move, and the only remaining thing will be to handle the final tasks and call in the movers. A home inventory checklist will keep you on track as far as the moving process is concerned. You can create your packing and moving inventory from scratch or download one from the internet and customize it to fit your needs.
Keep a List of The Packed Items
It’s not pleasant to realize you have packed away something you wanted to use later. That is why you need to have a list of the already packed items and the boxes they are in for easy retrieval. You don’t want to undo a day’s work just because you cannot find your reading glasses. Also, a master packing list helps you to keep track of your items. You don’t want to leave anything behind, especially if it is valuable. It is easiest to make this list while you pack.
Find Reputable Movers
Hiring movers is more convenient than doing it on your own because they can get a huge enough truck to fit everything at once. It saves time compared to traveling back and forth because you are using a smaller vehicle. Also, they have vehicles meant for transporting irregularly shaped items safely, and they have the proper equipment to facilitate seamless transportation of valuable and fragile goods without loss, damage, or breakage. Finding reputable movers isn’t easy, so you ought to start checking out your options the moment you list the property.
Clean the House
Even if you are in a hurry to leave, you shouldn’t forget to clean the house. It is basic common sense not to leave behind a dirty house. Nobody should have to clean after you, which is why you should leave enough time to clean when making your grand moving prep. It doesn’t have to be deep cleaning but basic enough for the new owners to not be disgusted by how filthy you were. Sweeping the rooms or mopping will do, especially if you were cleaning your house regularly. It should not take more than a couple of hours.
Packing and moving out after a successful property sale doesn’t have to be dreadful. It can be stressful and hectic for some people, but you can avoid the stress with proper planning. Never hesitate to outsource if you cannot manage on your own. The idea is for the process to be seamless. It can be tiresome, but it shouldn’t be chaotic. The earlier you start planning the better.
Finding Help with Moving Professionals
We hope you found this blog post How To Be Packed And Ready To Move Out Once Your House Sells, useful. Be sure to check out our post How to Handle Selling Your Home While Preparing for the Big Move for more great tips!
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