air conditioning technician at work

You may have encountered a situation in which the temperature in one room is comfortable but other parts of the house are too cold or hot. This is because the air conditioning zone control system of the house is not working well and the air is not reaching all areas of the property.

Why Is a Zone Control System Installed?

A good air conditioning system will ensure that the appropriate amount of air is flowing through the building evenly. But sometimes one section of the house naturally tends to be cooler and the other sections are warmer. To compensate for this, a zone control system is installed. A zoning system will make sure that all rooms get the right amount of air flow.

Some benefits of a zone control system are:

  1. It saves a lot of money on electric and gas bills.
  2. It automatically increases the life span of the HVAC system because in some rooms, the temperature is naturally controlled and the need for air conditioning or heating will be less.
  3. The best thing about the zoning system is that the temperature in each room can be adjusted according to the need of the weather. You can either have a remote-controlled system or install smart thermostat.
  4. The temperature of the house is the same throughout. It will not happen that in one room the temperature is warmer or cooler than the other. There will be symmetry in the air distribution.

Installation time depends on the size and the number of rooms in a house. But the average time taken for a complete installation is between 1 to 7 days.

What Clues Indicate the Need For a Zone System?

To determine whether a house needs a zone system, AC installation companies consider the following important points:

Difference In Distribution Of Air

The most common reason for installing this system is that the distribution of air is not as expected of an AC system. The upper portion of the house is cooler but warm air is experienced by the people in the lower part of the house.

Issues In Windows And Doors Installation

In a lot of instances, there is a gap in the window and door frame, which is a big cause of uneven division of air around the house. Checking for this issue is also important by Air Conditioning Installation Company in North GA.

High Ceilings And Roof

Having a higher ceiling is advantageous in summer as the rooms are cooler. But during the winter this can become a problem because the room is cold and becomes difficult to keep warm.

Larger Size Rooms

It takes a lot of effort to heat or cool a large room. So if the AC unit is the right size but some rooms are larger, then the right amount of air will not reach every corner of the room.

Multiple Stories In A House

Another clue that installation companies look for in houses is how many stories does a house have? It has been noticed that the upper levels of a building will have a different temperature than the rest of the house.

Insufficient Light And Heat Reaching the House

In some cases, the house is located in areas where light and heat don’t reach certain rooms. So they are cooler than the other rooms.

Various Parts Included In a Zone System

When a company is installing the best HVAC zoning system a few pieces of equipment should also be installed so that the zone control system can work properly.

  1. Dampers in the duct system.
  2. Thermostat to control dampers.
  3. Blower to control fan speed.
  4. Individual thermostat for each zone.

How Can An Air Conditioning Installation Company Help?

Besides installing a zone control system, the AC company can also help you suggest vital tips that can help to make the circulation of the air in the house in the best way.

Proper Cleaning Of Ventilation System

Just installing the zone system is not enough; making sure that it is working optimally is also important. The ventilation system is a part of the air conditioner that has to be cleaned so that the air is circulating properly.

Installation Of An Automated System

Many times the temperature outside is cooler but the AC is still running because the thermostat is not set right. This creates several issues, so installing an automated system will control the temperature inside.

Inspection Of Air Conditioning System For Damage

Before installing a zone control system, the air conditioning installation company checks the indoor and outside AC units for signs of damage. This is because on certain occasions the irregular distribution of air is caused by leakage in the AC unit.

We hope you found this blog post Do You Need An Air Conditioning Zone Control System? useful. Be sure to check out our post How to Maintain Air Conditioning during Home Renovation? for more great tips!


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