Study in New York

New York is a famously loud city, with nonstop noise from traffic and construction, along with sirens, horns, and shouting. Even inside buildings it’s common to hear the sounds of other people studying or talking – not exactly ideal conditions for getting work done in peace. If you’re a student in the Big Apple, the prospect of an unquiet campus is unfortunately only the beginning of your challenges. You’ll need to find a place where you can concentrate on your studies without being interrupted by roommates, TVs playing at high volume, or conversations overheard in other rooms. Even if you live alone, there are many distractions that make it hard to focus on reading or writing. And if you have somewhere else to go instead – like a coffee shop – that makes things even easier. Here are some great places around NYC to get some quiet time and buckle down with your books:

The New York Public Library

The New York Public Library is a must-visit location for any student studying in New York City. Whether you need to get out of the dorm room and breathe some fresh air, or you’re just looking for a change of scenery, the library is the perfect place to get some quiet studying done. You can head to the main branch, which is near many schools in the city, including NYU and Columbia University. The main branch is not only a gorgeous building, but also boasts a wide variety of study spaces. In addition to large tables and study carts, the main library has a quiet reading room on the first floor that’s perfect for shutting out distractions. If you’re up for a change of scenery, you can also visit one of the other New York Public Library branches, particularly Midtown or the Upper East Side. All of these branches have quiet reading rooms, as well as a variety of tables for different sizes of groups.

Quieter Study Spaces in University Residence Halls

If you’re lucky enough to be living in one of your university’s quiet-study residence halls, you’ve got an ideal place to study. Different dorms may offer amenities like study carrels, group study rooms, and lounges to relax, read, or catch up with friends. When you’re studying alone in a carrel, you can take advantage of dedicated quiet study spaces to get away from noise. Not every dorm is a designated quiet study hall, but most colleges and universities provide quiet study spaces for students to use, even if they live off campus.

The New-York Historical Society

The New-York Historical Society is a fantastic place to get away from the noise and distraction of studying indoors. This is a beautiful building, and it is full of fascinating artwork and artifacts that will inspire your creativity and imagination. If you’re looking for a place to do research quietly, the second floor Reading Room is a great choice. The Reading Room has comfortable seating where you can study historical documents and do academic research. 

Uncommon Writing Spaces for Students

If you’re looking for a quiet place to study for your creative writing degree, New York City has many beautiful, inspiring locations. There are a number of places where you can find a peaceful environment to work unencumbered by the noise of the city. One of the best ways to find a quiet place to study is to use an online resource. Along with academic writing services you can contact online, you can check out websites such as StudyBlue or Quora to find out where students recommend going to find a quiet place to study. Here are some of the most recommended uncommon writing spaces for students: Gramercy Park: This is a beautiful park in the city that is quiet except for the sound of birds chirping. You will not only be able to focus on your studies here but also enjoy nature away from the smog and noise of the city. Empire State Building Observatory: The observatory is open to the public and offers a spectacular view of the city and the surrounding areas. It is a great place to go to get inspired while studying.

Moving to a Noisy City

The noise and distractions of New York City life can be a major obstacle for students who have just moved to the city for school. Moving is already hard enough—getting your stuff from one place to another, navigating paperwork, discovering new neighborhoods. But finding out that your new place has noisy neighbors or lets in all the late-night traffic sounds can be a major problem.

If you have trouble studying, or are in the process of moving, you probably have trouble finding a quiet place to write your college essays. Students can mitigate some of the problems caused by loud distractions by getting help writing papers and essays from a professional writing service. There, someone with deep knowledge and experience can write you a paper quickly to get you the leg up you need.

But if you want to live in a more quiet and calm place Schenectady is the best alternative to NY. It is located in eastern New York, and offers a unique alternative to the bustling and noisy city of New York.

The city’s vibrant arts and culture scene, coupled with its peaceful parks and outdoor attractions, provide a more relaxed and tranquil experience for visitors and residents. Here, there is everything to live – public transport, supermarkets, local repair providers and other frequently needed places are close to you.


Whether you’re a college student or someone just looking for a change of pace from the office, New York City has a lot to offer. One challenge, though, is finding a place to study that’s quiet enough for you to really focus. The good news is that there’s no shortage of excellent study spots around the city. No matter what your needs are, there’s a place where you can focus, get your work done, and enjoy the beautiful surroundings at the same time.

We hope you found this blog post on Best Places to Study in New York, useful. Be sure to check out our post on The 5 Best Places to Live In New York for more great tips!

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