Preparing yourself for a hurricane is a must to keep you and your family safe this hurricane season. Here are some tips to keep in mind before you start to pack your hurricane emergency kit.
Emergency Kit
The first hurricane safety tip is to make sure to keep the following items handy before the hurricane starts. That way, you have them if you need to evacuate. Also, make sure to store it in something that will be easy to carry, waterproof, and secure. For example, a backpack or duffle bag.
Cash: It’s best to have cash handy instead of only credit cards.
Water: At least 1 Gallon of water per person. Make sure there is enough for 3-7 days.
Medication: Take any prescription medications you need for everyday and also any pain relievers.
Food: Non- perishable snacks. Such as, trail mix and dried fruits. Also, packaged or canned foods for at least 3-7 days. Additionally, if you have any special items and food for infants, elderly, or disabled family members. Don’t forget a can opener!
Personal Hygiene Items: Such as, your toothbrush, toothpaste, women’s pads, toilet paper, towels, etc..
Clothing: A few outfits, rain gear, and sturdy shoes.
Important Accessories: For example, eyeglasses, contact lenses, hearing aid with batteries.
Flashlights: Make sure to bring their batteries. Also, any battery powered lights can come in handy in the case of a power outage.
Radio: It should also be battery powered.
Phone: Take precaution by keeping your phone battery full. Bring a charger and in case of a power outage, bring battery powered chargers.
Pets: Pet care items, toys, and food.
Entertainment: Board games, toys, or books.
First-aid Kit: For any minor cuts.
Sleeping Bag: Just in case you need to go to an evacuation center.
We hope this has been a helpful list of things to pack in your hurricane emergency kit. Use these tips to stay safe this hurricane season. Here are some numbers to call in case of any emergencies:
- Florida Power & Light (FPL): 1-800-468-8243
- Police Non-Emergencies: 305-476-5423 / Emergency: 911
- Miami-Dade County: 311 or 305-468-5900
- Traffic Information: 511
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