moving boxes

Whether you’re moving across the globe or just down the block, planning and organizing a relocation is never an easy walk in the park. Moving has been ranked one of the top life stressors, and for anyone who has ever made a move, they will understand the logistical nightmare this moment can be. The average person will move approximately 11 time over the course of their lifetime, with about ⅓ of renters moving each year. Moving is not only dreadful, it is a transitional phase of life that brings newness, change, and unexpected opportunity – it’s just a matter of getting settled first! Here are 5 Simple Tips to Simplify your Move.

Tips to Simplify your Move

Employ the right help:

The average weight transported on a single move is around 6,500 pounds. Depending on the last time you relocated you may have collected more possessions than you realize. The nice thing about an organized move is the ability to “spring clean” your belongings and lighten the moving load. Depending on the distance, urgency, and the amount of belongings you’re taking with you – you can’t always make this move yourself or with the help of a couple extra friends. Whether you need a professional organizer to help you downsize, a storage unit to leave behind things you can’t yet say goodbye too or a team of local movers to ease the struggles of lifting and loading – be sure to employ the right help that will make this process convenient and stress free. Use only the most professional and experienced movers, get a moving quote here.

Sell It:

If you are anticipating a move and have the extra time, consider selling items that don’t have enough significance to haul. Every old t-shirt or never worn pair of shoes is one more thing to pack, haul, lift, load and then unpack later. You’d be surprised how a move can be a that time to organize things you’ve overlooked for years while you mentally catalog the belongings you own but have forgotten about. Did you know, each week 690,000 people buy an item at a garage sale. If you prefer not to host a lawn sale, technology is making it easier than ever to make your junk someone else’s treasure. From classic platforms like ebay to newer ones like LetGo, Poshmark and Facebook Marketplace – you can get some additional moving cash (for unpacking day pizza) while getting your stuff sold and in order.

Shopping & Shipping:

A new home calls for new things. From decor, to furniture, and appliances without a doubt the shopping carts will quickly become filled. Filling a new space with character might be one of the more exciting sides of moving. Once you make an offer or sign the lease for your new home, don’t get too excited too soon and purchase all these things pre-moving day. Although it may seem like an obvious one, the excitement gets the best of us all and you’ll end up adding unnecessary weight to your already lofty haul. Keep in mind there’s a happy medium to this retail craving, you can shop pre-move and fill your carts online, then once the deal is final have items shipped directly to your new address. This will simplify the amount of unpacking needed while allowing you to upgrade your overworn and overlooked items with ease. Companies like Casper will ship an entire bedroom of new essentials in a box to your doorstep, including their revolutionary foam mattress (bed in a box).

Moving Day Must Haves:

The day of the move might be the most manic of them all, or at least it will feel like it. All of your possessions will be in transit, you’ll be doing last sweeps through the old space and saying your farewells to your neighborhood while mentally preparing yourself for the soon to come unpacking process. Each move is unique and so will the unexpected struggles that appear, it is important to pack some sort of moving day survival kit – equipped with all the must haves you and your family may need. Whether this be an overnight bag, an entire piece of luggage (for longer displacements) or just a tote with the necessary items – be mindful that you’ll have some troubles putting your hands on things you know you have when they’re packed away in a sea of boxes. Consider including items like medicine, important paperwork, keys, chargers and toiletries. This simple yet thoughtful planning can prevent a myriad of stressful situations come moving day.

Schedule Out Service Appointments:

The more you plan the easier the transition. If you know you have a week between jobs or a week scheduled off from work to get acquainted, try your best to optimize this time in an efficient way. Before you move, call service providers in your new area (electric, gas, cable, internet) and get on their radar early. These necessary appointments are often booked several weeks out, if you call ahead you can have these dates land perfectly on the days you already plan to be around and unpacking.

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Moving House: 20 Things You Must Bring to Your New Place

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