green moving tips for earth day

With all of the boxes and packing materials involved in moving, it’s easy to create a lot of waste if you’re not being conscious of what you’re doing. And while there are plenty of ways to celebrate Earth Day, we’re doing our part by bringing you some tips for making your big move in an eco-friendly manner! Check out these green moving tips to reduce your carbon footprint during your move!

Only Move What You Need

Most people have a ton of stuff they don’t need or want. In fact, most people probably have stuff they’ve completely forgotten about! The process of moving is great for weeding out things you no longer need in your life. You don’t have to become a full-blown minimalist, but if you’ve got old VHS tapes and youth soccer trophies that your parents gave you when you first moved out, it’s a perfect time to clean that stuff out. But don’t stop there. Take the opportunity to get rid of old clothes that don’t fit, books you’re done reading, furniture you don’t need, and anything else you don’t use anymore!

So what should you do with all of this extra junk? Don’t just throw it in the trash right away! Recycle or donate as much stuff as you can! There are plenty of thrift stores, churches, and other organizations that will happily take your old stuff off your hands. You might even be able to make some money off of your old junk. You might not be able to put together a full-blown garage sale, but you can certainly post things on sites like eBay and Craigslist or mobile apps like LetGo.

Pack Intelligently

It’s no secret that when you’re moving, you’re going to need plenty of packing materials. What might surprise you though, is that your house is already full of packing materials! Going out and buying a bunch of boxes for your move is just a waste of paper, especially since you already have plenty of things to pack your stuff in. Dressers, TV stands, and pieces of luggage are all great eco-friendly alternatives to cardboard boxes that you can fit plenty of stuff in for your move.

Don’t bother buying any packing peanuts either! Instead, use all of your clothes, towels, and sheets, to protect your belongings. You’ll avoid wasting paper and money on packing materials, and you need to pack your linens and clothes for your move anyways. So why not kill two birds with one stone?

If you do end up needing more boxes, you still shouldn’t buy cardboard! Instead, consider getting a couple tote bins. They’re great for packing and moving your stuff, plus you can keep them afterward for extra storage.

Do Your Part!

Moving in an eco-friendly manner is great, and we’re happy to help you make your green move, but we should try to celebrate Earth Day through green living every day! Start walking to work instead of taking a taxi or Uber, get some reusable grocery bags instead of getting new plastic ones each time, and invest in a nice water bottle instead of buying bottled water. Or if you want to take it to the next level, plan a fundraiser, like a can and bottle drive, to support an environmentally friendly organization! And of course, if you’re moving, don’t forget your green moving tips!

Happy Earth Day!

Be sure to check out our post 10 Moving and Packing Hacks for a Stress-Free Move for more great tips!

Packing when moving: A thorough room-by-room guide

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