Hair Transplant

After you’ve had a successful hair transplant procedure, you still have to nurture those transplants to ensure that they grow well and help you achieve your desired look. The transplanted hair is always a bit fragile and must be pampered to some extent, at least until it becomes better established. Fortunately, the best approach to take after a transplant procedure is well-known, and can easily be followed, provided you have some patience and resolve. You can find out much more information about hair transplants at, but we’ll be reviewing the basic steps for hair care in the article below.

First week of care

Once you’ve undergone a hair transplant procedure, the clinic administering the procedure will probably demonstrate how to shampoo your hair safely. This will show you what needs to be done in the coming weeks. Here are some of the other important steps you should take in the immediate aftermath of your hair transplant procedure:

  • Take at least one full day of relaxation in order to remove all traces of the anesthetic from your body.
  • Take two or three days of rest if your professional activity is not strenuous; if it’s more physical, take up to a week.
  • Don’t drink alcohol for the next week and a half, especially if you’re also taking antibiotics prescribed by your doctor.
  • Don’t smoke for three weeks after your transplant procedure.
  • Avoid eating foods that are either spicy or salty.
  • Follow all medication prescriptions recommended by your hair transplant doctor, as well as any other advice that was given to you.
  • Avoid taking aspirin because this can interfere with proper healing.
  • Remove bandages after day one of the transplant procedure.
  • Avoid sexual activity because this can increase the temperature of the cranial epidermis, which will interfere with the growth of the new transplants.

Beginning with the second day, you’ll be able to gently clean the scalp while closely following any instructions given to you by your doctor. You will have furnished some kind of hair product that operates to cleanse the scalp and will also reduce the severity of any itching.

Each day you should rinse with clear, warm water while avoiding any direct touching of the scabs. The affected area can be sprayed several times a day using an ordinary mister. After about five days of this, you will have healed enough that you can put your head directly under a warm shower and use a special shampoo to clean the scalp gently.

At the end of your first week, you should shower the transplant area for about 20 minutes in warm water. Right about this time, you should see some of the scabs falling off. When you do observe this, avoid scratching them because they could become infected.

When sleeping, you should try to maintain a semi-sitting position for the first couple of nights, using a pillow for neck support. That will avoid having your forehead swell up, and it should minimize any contact with the sheets. The transplant area can touch the pillow, so you should use an absorbent disposable diaper to absorb any sebum which oozes from the transplant scars.

There may be swelling on the epidermis above your eyebrows, which becomes apparent around the fourth day following your transplant procedure. If you do observe this, a washcloth filled with ice cubes should be applied to your forehead.

Weeks two through four

By this time, you should be back to something like your normal lifestyle. The scabs will have begun to disappear, and you may feel itchiness fairly regularly. You’ll have to make a point of avoiding exposure to the sun as well as to the rain, and you can relieve the itching by applying aloe vera or any kind of anti-irritation product that might be used on baby skin.

This will assist with the healing of the affected area and will also help to hydrate it. If the scalp becomes dry during this period, it will only serve to exacerbate the itchiness. You can’t use any kind of normal hair products, including standard combs and brushes. In order to make your hair transplant as successful as possible, you’ll need to strictly maintain your hair care routine following the operation.

You can help nourish your scalp using coconut oil or sesame, and when you shampoo, make sure to use one containing all-natural ingredients. It will also be advisable to maintain a healthy diet low in fats while also being rich in vitamins and minerals. This will deliver maximum nutrition and oxygen to the hair plants, which are just beginning life.

Weeks five to sixteen

After about a month, most of the implanted hair follicles will begin to fall out, and this is perfectly normal. Following this, hair follicles will begin growing again, and in about three months’ time, your permanent hair will begin appearing. You may discover some small white spots on your scalp, and this is a normal response to hair growth that should not alarm you.

These white spots will then turn red and open up, allowing room for new hair to begin growing. You may feel a certain tingling or numbness in the affected area, but this will gradually subside by the end of the second month. You should keep your head and hair exposed to the normal environment but not to the harshness of the sun’s rays. The sun is so strong that it can prove fatal for new follicles and detrimental to healing.

All head coverings should be avoided for the first 90 days after a hair transplant procedure so that the grafts don’t become damaged or compromised. After about three months, you’ll be able to resume all previous activities, including vigorous sports activities like swimming. Keep in mind that you won’t really see the full effects of a hair transplant until almost an entire year has gone by. After that, hopefully, you will be well pleased with the new person you see in the mirror.

We hope you found this blog post on Adapting Lifestyle After Hair Transplant When Relocating, useful. Be sure to check out our post on Transform Your Bedroom with the Perfect Pillowcase for more great tips!

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