shipping cargo container

Storage containers have lots of uses. They can be made into offices, converted into living space, brought to a job site for a temporary project, or simply used to house inventory, tools, and other items. While a storage container can be useful for virtually any businesses, warehouses especially can benefit from having on-site, secure storage available. One of those benefits is saving valuable space and keep organized. 

Read on for more on maximizing warehouse space with a storage container.

Designate Space for Overstock 

If your warehouse deals with a lot of inventory, one of your biggest problems may be keeping it organized. It can be easy to let things pile up, especially overstock that just sits on shelves or on the floor for a long time. These items take up valuable space that could be used more productively. This can also cause a hazard and make it difficult for employees to efficiently move through the warehouse. Items can easily become damaged when there is not a system for safely and properly storing them. 

If your warehouse houses a lot of inventory for long periods of time, you can use storage containers to keep it organized and out of the way. You can even purchase multiple storage containers and stack them on top of each other if you have the space and machinery to access them when you do need them. 

Keep Your Container Organized

Once you’ve started storing inventory in a warehouse storage container, you’ll need to keep it organized. It’s always a good idea to make a plan or a key if possible so that you know which items are being stored on which shelves. Print out your guide and post it on the door of your unit so your workers will not need to rifle through the container to find what they need. 

Keep things in boxes that can be securely sealed or locked, as paper boxes can collapse and are not great for stacking. It is critical that you ensure walkways are left clear through every storage container in your warehouse so workers can easily access items and won’t become injured doing so. Be sure to check all fire codes relevant to your specific warehouse and operations.

Use Vertical Space

As previously mentioned, stacking storage containers as well as the boxes stored within them is a good way to maximize your space. Storage containers are safe to stack on top of one another. Consult with a storage professional, such as Storage On-Site of Indianapolis, to determine the right size and number of units for your warehouse. Trained professionals can help you stack your units and unstack them for access. 

Install quality, strong shelving within your storage container that can hold heavy weights and be used for stacking inventory. Prioritize keeping items that need to be accessed more frequently close to the door of the storage container. Try to avoid stacking things on top of smaller items or items you anticipate your team needing frequently. 

Consider Building Utilization

If you are looking to organize your warehouse to make more space, you might need to start from scratch, or at least make some major changes. Consider whether you are currently using your space appropriately. Are there items, tools, or furniture in places that don’t make sense? If something is not used every day, it might be best to move it or put it away. Reevaluate your entire floorplan and consider making some changes for better space utilization. Then, once you’re ready to bring in your storage containers, you can have them placed in the best, most accessible space that does not get in the way of anything else. Prioritize keeping it clear around loading and unloading sites.

Store Tools and Machinery

Many warehouses rely on a wide variety of tools and machinery. These items are often large and cumbersome. If multiple large pieces of machinery are taking up floor space, it can make the space difficult to keep organized. Use storage containers to house tools and machinery in one place. You can use multiple units if needed and purchase multiple sizes. This will keep everything in one consistent space and make it easy for workers to find what they need. 

Storage containers can also be locked and are comparable with a variety of security features. If this is a concern at your workspace, as it would be for many, you can keep these containers locked while not in use.

Keep Paper, Records and Documents Together

keep storage organized

Many warehouses have lots of files, folders, and documents to keep organized. This can range from packaging material to years-worth of tax documents to invoices. Warehouses of all sizes can easily become overwhelmed with the number of documents they need to store and keep organized. You can use storage containers to create a space dedicated to these items where they can be kept neatly and safely and accessed when needed. This also provides a secure space for sensitive documents.

 Your container could also be used to store the packaging materials needed for shipping and logistics, which can be numerous. The most important thing is to make sure to stick to a system and keep your files orderly. 

In Conclusion

Warehouses operate within limited space. Even a large warehouse needs to make optimal use of every square foot to ensure staff can work safely and efficiently. A cluttered, cramped warehouse space is an obstacle that can lead to products becoming lost or damaged easily. Workers need to be able to work comfortably and enter and exit the warehouse safely while on shift. They also need to be able to find the tools, records, packaging materials, and inventory they need without having to waste valuable time searching for them. Storage containers are a great way to keep a warehouse organized and running smoothly. They can be used to keep items organized and categorized and out of the way, allowing for more space that can be used productively.

You should have generated some new ideas after reading Maximizing Warehouse Space with a Storage Container. More recommendations are available on this page: 3 Things to Look For When Selecting an Industrial Space

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