Every manager is well aware that moving an office is not only very troublesome but also quite costly. And in the current economic conditions, neither public nor private organizations need additional expenses. Therefore, if a company faces the task of changing its location, it is better to entrust the process to professionals. 

General Recommendations for Office Relocation

They will undertake the bulk of the work and give you practical advice that will help avoid the usual turmoil of such a process. Let’s demonstrate it with vivid examples. Suppose you are the head of a large organization with 400 employees. First of all, you need to prepare special instructions on the move and communicate them to the employees in the form of an order. This order will list the following actions that are mandatory for all employees according to https://highstreammoving.com/:

  1. Pack personal belongings and documentation in cardboard boxes provided by the moving company. Label the boxes with the name of the employee, his position, and the number of the new office;
  2. Label all of the furniture in the office as described above. Thoroughly tape the sashes of drawers, shelves, and cabinets to prevent their accidental opening during transportation;
  3. Unplug personal computers, printers, and other office equipment. Also, disconnect all telephones and fax machines. Put keyboards, computer mice, and other peripherals in cardboard boxes. Leave only the computer system units and displays on the desks;
  4. On the day of the move in the offices:
    • clear all cabinets, drawers, and shelving units of personal belongings and documentation.
    • leave the system units and displays of personal computers on the desk (they will be packed by the staff of the moving company separately).
    • leave on the table a detailed, marked plan for the location of jobs in the new room.

Moving With A Professional Moving Company

Once all of the above recommendations are met, the staff of the moving company will take over your move. On a specified day (if the organization is large, the best day to move is a weekend) to the office comes its employees. They consistently perform the following actions:

  • neatly pack all the available system units and displays in the office;
  • remove demountable items of furniture (reception desks, meeting tables, and rooms, kitchens, etc.);
  • carefully pack expensive items and interior accessories (leather furniture, executive desks, sculptures and statuettes, paintings, etc.)
  • load company’s property into cars;
  • deliver it to the specified address, perform unloading and arrangement by the agreed plan and labeling.

Professional Moving Company

How Profitable To Contact A Professional Moving Company

Practice shows that the total duration of the preparatory process in an office relocation is a maximum of 4 hours. Of course, provided that each employee packs only his belongings and puts in order his workplace. 

In terms of money by contacting a reliable moving company, you save at least 30% of the total budget allocated for the move. This figure eloquently demonstrates that resorting to the help of outside professionals is much more profitable than trying to provide for everything in the organization of an independent office move.

Moving Without A Professional Moving Company

It is necessary to begin preparations at least one day before the planned date of the move. The following instructions are based on the distribution of responsibilities among all employees of the company. Simply put, this algorithm of actions at his workplace should perform each subordinate. 

Step 1

Begin the move by disconnecting personal computers and other office equipment (fax machines, printers, switches, scanners, PBX, etc.):

  • cables and wires are recommended to be disconnected and packed in cardboard boxes. On the boxes, in turn, it is desirable to apply special markings;
  • telephones and computer peripherals (keyboards, mice) should also be packed in boxes;
  • the system unit, display, scanner, printer, and other large-sized office equipment should remain at the subordinates’ workplaces;
  • all equipment must be marked on the side or back.

move requires packing

Step 2

The second stage of the move requires packing various archival documents, including accounting documents. Small office equipment and employees’ personal belongings should also be packed in cardboard boxes. The boxes should be provided by the moving company directly involved in your move. At this stage, it is recommended that you:

  • pack separately archival documentation and personal belongings of the staff. Their labeling should also be different. Such an approach will help to sort things much faster after the move and avoid confusion with the documents;
  • it is better to pack archival documents in separate sections.

Step 3

After the work with packing documents and personal belongings has been completed, it is time to mark large office equipment, office furniture, and workstations. This must be done by the layout plan approved for the new office. Such a plan should be drawn up well before the move, even at the stage of selecting the new premises. As marking material for furniture, you can use an ordinary sheet of paper with all the necessary information on it. You can stick the paper with tape. Hand-signed adhesive stickers will also work. Directly marking should be done:

  • on the principle of “office – employee’s name”;
  • on top of cardboard boxes;
  • on the side surfaces of furniture. If an employee’s workplace consists of several items (nightstands, computer system unit stands, etc.), each item must be labeled;
  • cardboard boxes shall be marked from the top;
  • separate labeling stickers shall also be provided for removable shelves of cabinets and shelving units;
  • office chairs and armchairs should be marked on the back;
  • printers and displays of personal computers should be marked on the backside, and system units – on the side;
  • all other company assets, including technical tools and various household equipment (coolers and empty water bottles, floor hangers, plastic trash garbage cans, etc.) shall be marked upon the employees’ request, indicating the office where they will be kept after the move.

Step 4

The final stage of office relocation is the careful taping of shelving units, cabinets, and bollards. This is necessary to avoid accidental opening of their flaps or falling out of removable shelves during loading/unloading. This simple work can be done both by the employees of the company and by the staff of the moving company. At the same time it is necessary to remember that:

  • It is not necessary to tape furniture and furnishings to be assembled/disassembled. This includes closets, reception desks, executive desks, meeting rooms, etc.;
  • Nightstands should be sealed strictly along the perimeter of drawers opening;
  • closets should be sealed along the opening perimeter of their flaps;
  • the same way we tape the shelves for documents with hinged wings.

This concludes the preparations for the office move. If you follow all of the above recommendations, a change of location for your company will pass quickly and completely painlessly. Remember, the more thoroughly you prepare for the move, the less money you end up spending on it.

We hope you found this blog post on How To Reduce Costs When Moving Your Office, useful. Be sure to check out our post Cubicle Disassembly Guide: How to Move Office Cubicles Cheap and Easy for more great tips!

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