women and dog

Moving with pets can be challenging and stressful for both humans and animals. It’s important to plan ahead, especially if this is your first time moving with a pet. Preparing ahead of time will make moving with pets easier on both you and your four-legged friend.

Below are some tips to consider when moving with a pet!

Bring them to the new property

If possible, it’s best to bring your pet to the new property with you. This will allow them to familiarize themselves with the space and become accustomed to their new surroundings. Give them the chance to “sniff out” the place before the big day.

Pack an overnight bag

Pack an overnight bag with food, pet bed, leash and other essentials. This will be useful once you arrive at the new property and settle in for the night. If you are relocating with your pet far away and need to drive, this will also come in handy if you need to stay overnight.

If booking a hotel, make sure to call ahead of time and let them know you will be bringing a pet. Some hotels prohibit animals or have special requirements for owners who will be staying with their pets, such as ensuring the animal doesn’t bother other guests.

Inform your neighbors

It’s best to inform your new neighbors that you’ll have a pet. Some people are uncomfortable living next to animals and will appreciate a warning. This also makes it convenient if they ever spot your pet running away or don’t see them go in/out of the house.

If your neighbors have pets of their own, they may want to introduce them to your pet. This will help them become familiar with each other and help reduce stress and/or barking.

Check the fences

If your pet is used to spending considerable amounts of time outside, it is important to ensure that your animal has a safe area to roam. Your new property may have a fence or outdoor area, but it is best to check the perimeter before allowing your pet to roam free. There could be holes or gaps where your pet can slip through.

Contact your Vet

Get all the necessary shots and vaccinations your animal requires in order to travel. It is also important to keep their rabies vaccination up-to-date. Ensure the kennels, crates or carriers you use for traveling are big enough for your pet to turn around, stand up and lie down in.

Update their information

Once you’ve settled into your new place, it is important to contact the necessary agencies about your move. This will include finding a new veterinarian and registering your pet with the city (if you are relocating out of your current area). Having your animal registered with the city is especially important if they get lost. Being in a new area, it doesn’t take much for your animal to get confused, and if picked up by animal control, having them registered will ensure they are safely returned home in no time.

Take the time to make them comfortable

When you have successfully moved in, just like humans, it will take pets time to get comfortable. Be patient! They may seem nervous or confused at first, but give them time to adjust. This may mean accidents, anxiety when you leave and unusual behavior.

You can ease the transition by bringing their food and bed from your old place to your new home. If you have a yard at your old place, take them out a few times a day, let your pet wander around for a bit so they can mark their territory with scent glands. Let them sniff out the place before letting them off the leash or out of the carrier. This will help to avoid getting lost when allowed to free roam their new surroundings.

The key to moving with pets is preparation. If you plan ahead and take the time to make them comfortable, the transition from one property to another will be a lot easier on both you and your pet.

If you like these tips and advice, make sure to check out our post 4 Tips for Moving Overseas with Pets for additional ideas!

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