couple planning moving checklist

Moving is one of the most stressful life events. It doesn’t have to be that way, however. It is possible to move without it turning it one of the worst experiences of your life. A smooth move comes down to careful planning.

Make a good plan, follow it, and your move should be much less stressful.

Read on as we take a closer look at how to plan a move.

Start Planning Early

The key to planning a move is to start early. You need to make sure that you have enough time to complete your plan without any stress and have time to create the plan itself, which can take time to do properly.

How long you’ll have to make your plan will depend on how you’re selling your home. If you’re selling your house for cash, for example, you’ll have much less time than if you’re selling through a realtor. If a quick move is what you’re after, learning how to sell your home for cash is recommended.

Decide How You’ll Move

Your plan will be different depending on how you’re planning to move.

Will you be doing everything yourself? Will you be hiring a moving company to transport your belongings? Will you also be getting them to pack everything up for you?

You’ll need to make these decisions before you start planning in earnest. The answers to these questions will also impact the next stage.

Know Your Budget

One of the most important moving tips is to know your moving budget from the outset.

It’s all very well deciding to go with a full pack-and-move service from a top-rated moving company, but is that within your budget?

Work out exactly how much you can afford for the move, remembering that you’ll have plenty of other costs associated with the sale of your home. You’ll then be able to decide what services you can pay for and which you’ll need to do yourself.

Create a Schedule

The crucial part of your plan is to create a schedule.

Your schedule should include every part of the moving process, from the moment you start to the moment you unpack at your new home.

The key is to ensure that every part of your schedule has a set date by which it needs to be completed. That way, you can ensure that you’re always up to date with your schedule, and won’t find yourself rushing to try to complete it all in the last few days before the move.

Work out the earliest time that you can realistically complete each item on your schedule and try to make sure you’ve done each one by that point. You should then have much of the work done long before the move.

Now You Know How To Plan a Move

Now that you’ve learned how to plan a smooth move, all that’s left is to get started.

The sooner that you get your plan completed, the sooner you’ll be able to get to work ensuring that your move goes as smoothly as possible. By creating a clear schedule and sticking to it you should be able to avoid any last-minute panic and get your move done smartly and efficiently.

If you’re looking for more useful content, be sure to check out the rest of the site.

We hope you found this blog post How to Plan a Move the Right Way: The Basics Explained, useful. Be sure to check out our post Planning a Perfect Timeline for Moving to a New Home for more great tips!


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