pool with jacuzzi

Over the last year everyone’s lives have changed because of Coronavirus. It has had adverse effects on everyone. As the restrictions are lifting people are coming back to normality and resuming normal activities. Still, the threat is lingering, but for swimming pools, each Pool Maintenance Company is trying to curtail the spread of the virus.

Critical Questions About Swimming Pools And COVID-19

Clients of pool cleaning companies have questions about swimming pools spreading COVID-19 that need to be answered. The main reason is that people are concerned about the safety of their families and friends who come to swim at their pools.

Does Staying In Water For Long Spread Coronavirus?

According to research done at CDC, there is no evidence that pools were the cause of the spread of Coronavirus. Staying in the water is deemed safer because the virus doesn’t seem to survive in the water for long.

Is Swimming Safer Than Other Activities?

The Coronavirus survives in different environments for different lengths of time; like 72 hours on metal surfaces and at least 30 minutes in the air. But transmission through water is not evident. So swimming can be considered as a safe activity.

Can Maintenance And Cleaning Help Spread Prevention?

Yes, it is apparent that cleaning is most effective in preventing the spread of the virus. Many people think that it is unnecessary to clean and maintain a pool because the Coronavirus doesn’t spread through water, but other diseases can, and keeping safe is important. So hiring swimming pool services is vital.

man working on cleaning the pool

Is Knowledge Of State Restrictions Important?

Although a lot of restrictions have been lifted, still some constraints are there to keep us safe even as our lives are coming back to normal. So, it is best to check with the local authorities and the companies where you are hiring services to know the rules of swimming in a pool.

How Can Pool Maintenance Companies Help?

It is the task of maintenance companies not only to clean and maintain the pools, but also give proper advice to their clients for safe use of the swimming pools. Following are a few points that should be considered.

  1. Accidents happening in and around the pools are not directly related to the COVID-19 but they can still be dangerous. So you have to make sure that accidents related to the pools are avoided.
  2. It is the duty of both the maintenance companies and the clients to handle cleaning products and chemicals attentively and thoughtfully.
  3. It is the responsibility of pool companies like a Pool Maintenance Company to use the right products that are approved by the CDC.
  4. If you are having a house party, you must limit the number of people as this can minimize the spread of the virus. Also, allow no more than 3 people in a small pool and 5 to 6 in a larger one. The main reason for limiting people is so that a safe distance can be kept.
  5. Another important piece of advice that a pool maintenance company will give you is never to allow sharing of things.

By following these rules you can safely enjoy your home swimming pool.

We hope you found this blog post Pool Maintenance Company Stopping Spread Of The Coronavirus, useful. Be sure to check out our post Home Swimming Pool Safety Tips for more great information!


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