Moving into a new home can be a very exciting and rewarding experience. The multitude of boxes scattered across your new property? That’s not so great. Trying to unpack and organize can create a lot of stress. Luckily, there are some simple tips and ideas on how to unpack and organize like a pro.
Keep reading to learn a few useful suggestions for unpacking and organizing in your new home:
#1 Plan Ahead of Time
When moving into a new home, many people will rush to get everything moved within a day or two. More often than not, this leads to a disorganized mess in the new home. Planning ahead can help you avoid that problem.
If you have children, try to find a babysitter to watch them, or have a fun moving plan for your kids to get involved.
Also, you should always label your boxes. That way, you know what room every box belongs in. When you start unpacking, you can go from room to room without stopping to find the right boxes.
#2 Schedule Sufficient Time
As mentioned earlier, disorganized moving usually stems from cramming everything into a day or two. Scheduling adequate time for your move will make it easier for you to plan and avoid excessive stress. Usually, you’ll want to schedule more time than you think you’ll need. On many occasions, homeowners will only take one day off when they really need to spend a week going through and organizing their belongings.
#3 Unpack One Room at a Time
Once you move into your new home, you might feel tempted to open the first box you see. It’s more efficient to work on one room at a time. Also, it may be wise to start in your kids’ room, as this gives them an area to play in while you’re focused on unpacking and organizing.
#4 Essentials First
While unpacking and organizing can take days or even weeks in some cases, it’s important to have a box of essentials. Some common essential items include toiletries, kitchen necessities, bed linens, and food.
These essential boxes are the ones you’ll want to unpack first.
When packing this essentials box, make sure your label it accordingly. Some packers choose to write “open this first” or something similar on the box.
Also, if your bed will arrive days after your move-in date, invest in an air mattress so you can sleep comfortably and recover from a day of unpacking.
#5 Focus On Kitchen Needs
Once you arrive in your new home, consider unpacking your kitchen items first. Cooking meals and using your kitchen typically happens within hours of the move-in. That said, you need to ensure your kitchen is stocked and ready. Unless you have a nursery or children’s room to unpack, set the kitchen as your top priority. Also, be sure to get strategic when unpacking these kitchen boxes. Consider what items you use most often, and be sure to organize those first. Some common kitchen essentials include utensils, pots and pans, and drinking glasses.
#6 Fight Procrastination
After you move into your dream home, the last thing you want to do is unpack your boxes. Especially when you start with your couch in the unpacking process, sitting there and watching TV sounds like the perfect alternative to hard work.
Once your furniture is arranged and all essentials organized, the other boxes may sit there… and sit there for a very long time. Fight the urge to procrastinate so you can finish your unpacking project as soon as possible. While you may feel fed up with packing, lifting boxes, and everything else that comes with moving, getting everything done and over with is the smartest tactic.
#7 Toss or Store Boxes When Empty
After a move, many people will unpack boxes and leave the empty containers sitting there for days. This can create stress and make your home look more cluttered than it actually is. Recycle the boxes or put them in storage for future use so you can start living in a clean, uncluttered environment.
#8 Break Old Habits
Was your old home cluttered and dirty? If that’s the case, moving into a new property provides a great opportunity to break old habits. This huge change can start in the unpacking and organizing phase. To do this effectively will take a conscious effort from the whole family. Be sure to research tips and tricks for organizing properly. You may also need to buy storage containers or other products to make organizing easier.
#9 Reward Yourself
Unpacking and organizing can be a long process, so you need to keep your spirits high somehow. You can achieve this by rewarding yourself for your accomplishments. This could be as simple as enjoying a cookie after unpacking a box, or going out to a nice dinner once all the organizing is complete.
Although unpacking and organizing aren’t the most enjoyable activities in the world, the tips above can create an easier, less stressful moving experience.
We hope you found this blog post 9 Tips for Unpacking and Organizing in Your New Home, useful. Be sure to check out our post How to Stay Tidy and Organized When Moving for more great tips!
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