freight ship loaded with cargo containers

Consolidated Shipping helps you to get preferred shipping rates and reduce the cost of shipping. People who have small shipments or small pallets of freight prefer to get the shipment packaged into one container. Shippers consolidate shipments from multiple locations and suppliers into one shipment. Consolidated shipment has numerous benefits. It also has some challenges that must be explained.

The benefits of consolidated shipping are:

It Is Cost-Effective

Many shippers believe that opting for consolidated shipping helps them to reduce the cost of shipping. Even if you use a small space in a trailer, you will have to pay for the entire trailer. On the other hand, if you go for consolidated shipping, multiple shipments are grouped together, traveling to a particular place as one shipment. As such, you will be paying only for the space your freight utilizes.

Reduces Risk of Damage

It is true that freight shipping has become quite advanced, but damage still happens. It is a lingering problem in this kind of shipping. Consolidated shipping is not only cost-efficient, but it also streamlines the handling process. As the touchpoints get reduced, therefore, the risk of damage to goods also gets reduced.

Better Quality Control Options

Another major advantage of consolidated shipping is that it helps you take control of your shipment faster. You usually get quality control alerts if there are some quality issues with your shipment after shipping your goods. Then you have to wait till the supplier issues a replacement. This delays the loading process, and delays you in delivering the product to your customer. In the case of consolidated shipping, you perform quality control as soon as your shipment lands in the warehouse. Thus you will not lose time and reputation from unforeseen circumstances leading to delay of your order.

Challenges To Watch Out For In Consolidated Shipping

Finding a Carrier Which Allows Consolidated Shipping

Consolidated shipping is a complicated process; therefore, not all airlines undertake transportation of such shipments. Even after you find a shipping company able to provide this kind of shipping, you have to find one with reasonable rates.

Requires An Exhaustive Planning Process

Many shippers have agreed that consolidated shipping requires a more thorough planning and organizing process. You have to be concerned about timing, pricing, and many other factors to ensure that your goods safely reach the customer.

It Takes More Time

A consolidated shipment takes much longer than a regular load because of its more involved shipping process. As such, before opting for a consolidated shipment, you must inform yourself about the entire shipment procedure to avoid delays.

LCL consolidators in Singapore is well-known in the shipping market for their skilled services. Consolidated shipping is a very cost-effective way to transport your freight. People who opt for palletized cargo can select this kind of shipping method.

We hope you found this blog post on Some Tips For Choosing the Best LCL Consolidators For Cost Savings, useful. Be sure to check out our post on Transporting Shipping Containers by Various Means for more great tips!


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