Move House During COVID

The COVID-19 pandemic is ransacking the world causing a great economic recession. Millions of people have already lost their jobs. Unfortunately, many more might follow. This means that quite a few people might need to move house soon, this is challenging at the best of times. It will be even more so with global lockdowns and limited funds. If you are one of those who need to make a move during this pandemic, the following tips should help. Here are some Tips on How to Move Houses During the COVID-19 Pandemic.

Be realistic about your expectations

No matter how much you need to move, you must accept the limitations of this time. First of all, you can’t get over locked down borders. Therefore, you should either postpone the move completely or make temporary arrangements. For example, you might need to rent some small accommodation for a few days and move your things to storage.

If cross-border crossing isn’t an issue, you need to keep in mind social distancing regulations. When you have movers coming, plan your time in a way to limit interactions with them.

Also, be sure to sanitize all items that will need to be moved. Keep the supplies as you’ll need to treat all those boxes again at your new location.

In the meantime, ensure that your movers have access to running water and antibacterial wash so they can wash their hands when handling your possessions.

Get supplies in advance and ensure their safety

Moving requires supplies, mostly boxes and various types of packaging. If you don’t have yours on hand yet, you’ll need to be extra careful when obtaining them. There are many ways of finding moving boxes. The majority of them revolve around getting those from local grocery stores, recycling centers, etc.

Today these opportunities are limited, so you’ll need to look around harder. Also, you need to remember that coronavirus can survive on surfaces for days. The risk of contracting it through handling boxes is low, but it’s there. Therefore, you will need to take extra steps to make sure that the packaging you get is safe.

In the best-case scenario, you should place the packaging in some isolated area and wash your hands for no less than 20 seconds after handling it. Then, let it sit for a few days and take additional steps to sanitize the package.

Remember that you’ll need to do all this again before you start unpacking in your new place. Luckily, the risk of your boxes “catching” something during the transportation is very low.

Hire movers you can trust

Movers are the people who will affect the safety of your packages the most. Therefore, you must be sure that they are responsible professionals who take the risks seriously. Take your time to question them about how exactly they handle packages and vehicles.

Questions you should ask include, but aren’t limited to:

  • How and how often do you sanitize your vehicles?
  • Can you provide guarantees that all your employees are healthy and not at risk of being carriers of the disease?
  • What are your procedures for handling items under the social distancing regulations?
  • What kind of protective gear do your employees use?
  • What kind of sanitizing supplies are available for movers to use during the process?

On your part, you also need to help ensure the safety of the people who come to help you move. Do not allow anyone into the house if someone inside even has a cold. You might be 100% sure that this isn’t coronavirus and have medical test results to prove this. However, exposing members of your community to any risk is highly irresponsible at the moment.

Avoid all paperwork

Thanks to the arrival of the digital era, the majority of moving companies have little or no paperwork. If the one you use still handles things the “old-fashioned” way, negotiate how to avoid this. Exchange documents through emails and use your electronic signature if necessary. This way, the company can print out anything they need to add to their paperwork archive.

Also, use digital payments only. The risk of getting infected through handling cash is much higher compared to putting your hands on the packaging.

In Conclusion

Moving during the pandemic is stressful, but the mechanics of it remain the same. All you need to remember is to be extra cautious about sanitation, social distancing, and other protective measures. Be careful and you should be safe.

Finding Help with Moving Professionals

We hope you found this blog on Tips on How to Move Houses During the COVID-19 Pandemic useful. Check out 6 Tips for a Safe Move During Coronavirus for more helpful tips.

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