Kids Entertained

Phew! Moving is hectic. There is so much going on, and perhaps the ones who feel most neglected are the kids. So if you are planning to move your family, making sure the kids stay out of trouble and harm’s way is only half of the equation. The other half is keeping them occupied while the moving process is underway. Here are tips for moving with kids.

According to a recent study, nearly 31 million people in the United States move to a new location every year, and this generates an economic impact of over $86 billion in revenue.

Furthermore, the average American moves 11.7 times in their lifetime, and nearly 15.3 million American households move every year.

Moreover, around 3 million Americans make an interstate move each year, however, moving is on the decline, as only half as many people move now as in the 1960s.

In light of this information, let’s take a quick look at how you can keep your kids entertained while you’re busy running errands and chores to finish moving to a new place.

1.  Arts and Crafts

Kids love colors, shapes, and moving objects. It is a part of our human psychological trait where static and dull objects simply bore us to no end. Hence one of the best things you can do to keep your kids busy so you can work quietly packing all the boxes is to offer them some arts and crafts materials.

This will keep them occupied for hours and you don’t have to worry about the mess, since this is probably the last time you will be cleaning the house; however, if you’re like Monica Geller then probably you wouldn’t mind laying down a used bed sheet on the floor just in case. If not for these, playing a game of hearts online can also be great to keep kids busy.

2. Books

It is a shame that at times even the most voracious of readers in the past can simply just slip away from reading when they get busy with professional lives. Childhood is the best age to read and go through all the best books out there. Reading habits that are developed early on can last for a lifetime.

If you have children at home who are fond of reading, perhaps getting them each a copy of their favorite book, magazine, or even a comic is wonderful. Let them travel to unknown places where adventures and thrills await them in a land filled by their own imagination. The best part is reading books will make them so quiet, you may be looking for them once you are done with mundane tasks.

3. Board Games

Indoor games are best, and if you ensure that your kids can play in a safe area away from all the hustle and bustle of moving, then you should bring in some popular board games. This will keep the kids entertained and engrossed in the game while you hurry up and down to make sure that nothing is left behind.

However, it is a must that children are offered a safe room where they can move around freely. You can do this by emptying the children’s room first when moving. That way they will not disturb you, and you and everyone else will not interfere with their game while it’s going on.

4. Cartoon Movies & Films

Set up a kid’s cinema in the house. All you need is an empty room, some comfortable seats and a home entertainment system. While you and your spouse are busy packing items and filling up moving boxes, your kids can enjoy a feature film or a cartoon series.

However this remedy only works for a couple of hours, but still, it’s a great way to keep them occupied and happy while you motivate yourself to get most of the work done during that time. I know screen-time for kids should be limited, but as a last resort, it does give you the option to focus your effort on moving and doing chores.

5. Escape Room, Castle, or Fort

Another great idea for keeping your kids occupied while you’re engrossed in the moving process is to give them a room that has been emptied and ask them to build their own castle. You can also provide them with harmless and safe to use leftover materials like cardboard boxes that you have decided not to use any longer.

This can also include spare items and objects like wood pieces or empty plastic bottles that have been carefully rinsed and cleaned.

Kids can go bonkers with ideas so even if you have leftover Styrofoam or packaging material that is of no use, simply dump it into their escape room so that they can happily use it to build their own fort. At Dissertation Assistance, learners are encouraged to isolate themselves from all the commotion and have a dedicated study place for themselves at home.

6. First Night Box

The first night box is a special box of items that can help you settle down at your new home. This can include essential items that you will need while slowly settling in and opening the moving boxes to properly decorate your new home and put things where they belong.

During this transition time, you would need some important items that can help you get you through the first couple of days or even the first week.

This can include your toiletries, your personal devices, crockery for eating food, phone charger, clothes that you can change into, etc.  To keep your kids busy, ask them to help prepare a first night box. Students looking for essay help should consider making a first night box when moving to a new campus or a hostel facility as well.

7. Hire Professional Packers

We know this sounds like an expensive option that can further increase your cost and expenditure, but the convenience factor is a given. Professional home packers may charge you extra, but they give you an ample amount of time to spend with your kids.

They can also help you reduce the workload substantially, and thus you can get done early and be able to attend to your kids’ needs. Many of us do not go for the more costly options; however, if you think home packers are a good option and can help you prioritize your time spent with your kids, you should absolutely go for it.

8. Outdoor Fun

You can plan a moving day activity kit or arrange an outdoor adventure for your kids. If you have relatives who can help out, then dropping your kids off at their grandparents’ house or aunt’s place is always a viable option.

Or you can even ask one of your close acquaintances or friends to take your kids out for the day to some park, resort, library, zoo, or sightseeing. This will give you time to focus on what needs to be done and get it over with before your kids return.


Moving can have you feeling exhausted, so just imagine what it does to kids and their routine. We all know that moving isn’t easy and requires your utmost effort to ensure that everything is carried out with a decisive plan of action.

Kids do suffer from lack of attention as adults are often busily rushing from one place to another to make sure nothing is left behind.

We hope now you have some great ideas on how you can keep your kids entertained during the moving process. Cheers, and all the best for your future endeavors!

We hope you found this blog post 8 Ways to Keep Your Kids Entertained While Moving, useful. Be sure to check out our post How to Make Traveling With Kids Easier for more great tips!


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