When you’re figuring out the best place to settle down, you have to make sure that that place can cater to the things you love. For example, lovers of the outdoors should settle down in areas where there are plenty of activities to stay and spend time outdoors. Otherwise, you’ll soon wish to move elsewhere. These are the best states for outdoor recreation.

Outdoorsy people can enjoy settling down in these eight US states because of the many outdoor activities they can do there.


Alaska landscape with small house in the forest

There’s nothing like feeling you’re an adventurer when you’re in the middle of utterly remote wilderness. If that’s the type of outdoors that you’re craving for, Alaska is the state for you.

Given that it has the name “The Last Frontier,” you can expect many chances to be out in the wild when you’re in Alaska.

Aside from being a state covered in wilderness, it’s also the most remote state in all of the US. Eight national parks together make their home in Alaska. Therefore, if you’re interested in observing various types of wildlife, you can go to these national parks.


California is a state that many outdoor activity lovers want to be in because of the wide range of activities available. Southern California is all about sunshine and splashing around in the water. That’s why you’re going to want to surf, kayak, and do all sorts of water sports when you’re in SoCal.

Even if you’re not the type to enjoy water sports, there are still plenty of outdoor activities you can do in California. Your hiking poles and bike will get much use when you’re in California because of the many trails open to bikers and hikers alike.

California, as a state, has a considerable health and wellness movement going on. That’s why many people take part in all sorts of outdoor activities there. You’ll find a community of people there to accompany you in your outdoor enjoyment.


If you’re a fan of the beach bum lifestyle or living in a tropical place, Hawaii is the US state you should call your home. This US state is a popular travel destination. Of course, there’s a reason why it’s such a popular spot.

Hawaii is a gorgeous place that has plenty of outdoor activities, including ones that let you be in the shimmering waters of the state.

You can go surfing, swimming, snorkeling, scuba diving and so on, by the many beaches in Hawaii. You can also go paragliding. If you want, you can even hike up the active volcanoes in Hawaii or bike down from them.

Hawaii is a paradise for many outdoorsy people.


utah landscape

Outdoor activities don’t only happen in sunny, warm climates. As the lovely state of Utah will show you, there is plenty of fun and exercises to be had even during the winter season. For one, you can enjoy bobsledding, horseback riding, and even snow cycling in Utah. After all that vigorous activity, you can relax by hopping into a geothermal hot spring too.

Although Utah is a popular place during the wintertime, you can still enjoy summer in Utah. There are plenty of hiking spots or trails worth going to, especially if you go to Zion National Park. And in the wintertime, you can go snowshoe hiking too.


colorado landscape with two people walking

Colorado is an outdoor activity enthusiast’s paradise, given that there are plenty of activities to enjoy all year round in this state. With its many mountains and deep wilderness areas, you can go on quite an adventure when you take an outdoor adventure trip to Colorado.

If you’re going to go anywhere in Colorado for outdoor activities, it should be the Rocky Mountains. There you can do all sorts of things, from mountain biking, skiing, hiking, and, the most popular activity in the Rockies, white water rafting.

With all of the national parks in the state, you might also want to try ATVing for a convenient and fun way of viewing and going through these parks. You can try horseback riding if you don’t want to ride an ATV.


Time outdoors is one of those rare moments in modern life when you can experience the peace that comes with solitude. In Montana, the state with the lowest population density, you can surely get that sense of isolation and solitude, paired with a healthy helping of the wilderness of nature let loose.

There are plenty of opportunities to go mountain biking, hiking, fly fishing, and observing wildlife in the Glacier National Park. These activities are great for summertime in Montana.

For wintertime in Montana, you can go skiing, snowshoe hiking, and riding a snowmobile. You can even go kayaking and white water rafting if you want a significant adrenaline rush.


Did you know that Minnesota has the country’s healthiest city? Part of health is fitness, so you know there are plenty of outdoor activities to enjoy in this state.

One of the best things to do in Minnesota is to enjoy the many lakes around the state. A lot of outdoor activities center around these lakes, like lake fishing or boating. If you’re a big fan of fishing and ending the day by the lake, enjoying your catch, Minnesota is excellent.


Wyoming is the home of many iconic and world-renowned parks, such as America’s first national park, Yellowstone National Park. Thus, it makes it the perfect state to get your hiking gear ready and go exploring. Hiking is one of the best ways to see the gorgeous spots in the state.

Aside from hiking, you can also enjoy skiing with the plentiful mountain resorts in the area. Some slopes are superb for experts, but some are family-friendly.

If you want, you can also go camping in the many national parks in Wyoming. That way, you get the chance to observe the stars in all their beauty, untainted in the night sky. And if you want you can even name a star after yourself so you can always see it when you’re out and about.

These eight states have the most outdoor opportunities. If you’re looking for the best place to indulge your outdoor desires, consider these eight states. Whether you stay there on a short- or long-term basis, you’ll find that these US states won’t disappoint.

We hope you found this blog post 8 Best U.S. States to Live in if You Love Spending Time Outdoors, useful. Be sure to check out our post Tips For Moving Long Distance On A Budget for more great tips!


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