garden shed decorated with plants

An affinity towards nature is a good thing because it brings well-being around the house. Building a garden shed can be a large commitment because having a few pots is different from having a garden. Further, sheds may need special permits depending on size, and so on. Let us see some great ideas along this line of thought.

1. Things to Consider When Building a Garden Shed

Sheds are a great way to expand the storage capacity of your house. They are also great for home improvement because you can adjust, make changes, and build them to specifications. However, building a shed may need some research as well because there may be things like getting a permit and so on.

  • Do You Need Any Kind of Permit?

Before you start with the building process, you must do some ground research on this topic. Depending on your locality and municipality, you will find different answers. To find out whether you need a building permit, first, visit the local government office and homeowners association. Even small sheds may need some permits in places. Next, you must check for coverage requirements from your city hall, for example.

Cases occur when you cannot cover more on your lot because too much is already undercover. Because of this, building anything else is not possible. Second, you must see that there are specific requirements that prevent you from having a shed on your property. For example, if it will be too close to the neighbor’s fence, they may have an objection and this can create an issue with your construction too.

So, before you start making any plans, and clearing the ground to lay the foundation, try to do some research about the local rules. There may be restrictions on overhang depth, closeness to the property line, property zoning factors, and so on. Other things like utility lines and easements also can pose an issue.

  • How Big Is It Going to Be?

The size will depend on your requirements, of course. Because of this, you should check the above details like availability, permission, and so on. Take into account the size of the house because it matters in the big picture. Consider the shed’s exterior because its style like horizontal or vertical matters as well. Check if you will need access to water and electricity as well. Use them to make space because adding them later may not be a good idea.

Looking for ideas visit nearby shops like Gympie for better assessments.

2. Garden Shed Ideas for the Ultimate Outdoor Oasis

  • Salvaged Shed

There are great for outdoor gardens because they can be DIY. These are composed of recycled products like wood, and other materials from the house. Because it is a backyard garden shed, it is nominal in cost and not very big either. Sometimes, they can also be heavy-duty. It is for a whimsical garden without much fanfare.

  • Shabby-Chic Style Shed

This is great thing for small houses because it adds flair to the outside property. Inspiration for mid-size shabby chic-style sheds with a garden is all around the Internet. It can help you remodel the home as well. By adding light folding chairs, French doors, rolling pots, and more options to furnish the shed, you can draw a lot of admirers. Garden sheds don’t have to be plain.

  • Glass Garden Shed

These are new and brings some class and sophistication. Again, they don’t have to be simple structures, because affordable doesn’t have to mean boring. Glass sheds are very affordable as well. They are great showpieces in a nice garden, detached from the home. Garden rooms, garden pods, and so much more are possible along these lines.

  • Spanish Style She Shed

These are one of the new ideas trending around the online community. Because they simply look gorgeous and have a more feminine vibe to them, they are called “She Sheds”. You may find them around Australia in Vilas, in the form of simple fairy-tale architectures, huts, Spanish-style haciendas. They are remarkable because of the Spanish-roof style on top of the building. A mix of wooden and stone composites adds to the appeal.

  • Rustic Garden Shed

These can include anything because they are closer to primeval than the other designs. They need not be expensive either. Because of this, you can DIY it and use garden tools, watering cans, and old machinery as decor. The porch can have a peaceful charm and sitting area as well. Vine-covered trestles along the walkway will add to the rustic flavor with ease.

  • Miniature House Shed

These are important these days because of space-conscious neighbors and cities. These are like dioramas but are real garden sheds. Some can be directly found online for purchase. You can also make one as a small DIY project. For an idea of size, they can span a few inches to a couple of feet.

  • Victorian-Style Shed

This evokes the charm of the Victorian era. Because of the roof and doors which are characteristic of that time, it brings the appeal. Double-glazed windows, potting design, and a walkway add flair to this garden shed.


The last thing you want is for your neighbor to give the city municipality a call and you are forced to take your shed down. So, it’s important to learn what you can and what you cannot do. Depending on your city rules, any of the above 7 ideas can be terrific for you.

We hope you found this blog post 7 Important Garden Shed Ideas for the Ultimate Outdoor Oasis, useful. Be sure to check out our post Benefits of Having Garden Sheds for Your Home for more great tips!


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