how to make relocation easier

Moving is a stressful, emotional, and overwhelming experience for everyone. There is so much to do and so many details to attend to, not to mention how time-consuming it is to move and pack.

However, not everything is doom and gloom. After all, you’ve chosen a new house or apartment, and the page is blank. You are free to do whatever you want with it. So, when things get tough, remember how excited you were when you chose your new home.

That being said, there are some tips and tricks for making the entire process less stressful and, at the very least, a little bit easier. We’re sharing them with you here so you’ll be prepared for the big day.

Create a Checklist or To-Do List

Make a to-do list or checklist for moving in a notebook or on your phone, and keep this list with you at all times. On this list, you’ll include items such as:

  • conducted research on moving companies
  • utility disconnect dates
  • organizing for donation pick-up
  • changing your billing address
  • updating your insurance
  • finding boxes and purchasing packing tape
  • possible storage solutions, etc. 

Write down all the tasks you can think of regarding preparation for moving day and the day itself. You will remember more things as you go through your preparation, so just add them to the list you keep with you.

You can also find pre-made moving checklists online. Use them and simply add to the list whatever might be missing that is important to you. 

Get To Know Your New Floor Plan

The chances of your new rooms being the same size as the ones in your old place are extremely slim. So, before you make any decisions, make sure to measure all of your furniture and determine where it will fit in your new home.

Don’t give up if you have some extra furniture that you don’t know where to put. There are numerous options for getting rid of unwanted furniture. For example, donating some of it to a local charity is always a great idea.

Consider this an opportunity to purchase new furniture pieces that you will enjoy even more. And while you’re at it, if your budget allows, replace some old ones that you’ve always wanted to get rid of.

For example, if you have a lumpy mattress, invest in a comfortable new mattress so you can sleep better. If your couch is uncomfortable, look for a new one that will not only be super-comfy but also fit perfectly with your new living room design, and so on.

Start Packing as Soon as Possible

You don’t want to procrastinate on this, no matter how tempting it is. Waiting until the last minute will add a great deal of stress to the entire process. Instead, get to work as soon as possible.

Begin with a room you don’t use very often, such as the guest room. Also, color-code your packing labels right from the start. Use a different color for the bedroom, another for the kitchen, and so on. That way, when the big day arrives, your boxes will be ready to go straight to the appropriate room.

This is also an excellent opportunity to determine what you truly need and what you can do without. The general rule is that if you haven’t used or worn something in a year, you don’t need it.

Make room for two piles and boxes. One pile is for trash, another for donations, and all the boxes are for what you’re taking with you. The best advice is to pack the items you want to keep right away in the boxes while you’re still sorting through your stuff.

Hire Professionals to Help You Relocate

You’ve probably already enlisted family and friends to help you relocate your belongings, but you’ll most likely need professional assistance as well. You’ll need your friends and family to help you with the packing and unpacking, while the pros can do all the heavy lifting.

Call at least three professional movers and compare their quotes. When you’ve found the one, schedule your moving day right away. If you want to save money, choose less popular days for moving, such as weekdays.

Call the moving company two weeks ahead of moving day and again two days ahead to ensure that everything is going as planned. This is just in case something unexpected happens, and it will help you sleep better knowing that everything is fine.

Also, ask the movers if there are any specific methods for packing your furniture when you’re talking to them. If there is a specific procedure, they will most likely explain everything, but ask anyway. This will make things easier for both you and your movers.

Pack a Bag for a Few Days

Because all of your belongings will be in boxes, the last thing you want to do is rummage through them in search of your toothbrush or another pair of pants. To avoid this, pack an overnight bag or bags for the first few days.

Make sure you have all of your toiletries, towels, pajamas, sets of clothes, cutlery, mugs, and so on with you. You’ll be grateful when you wake up in your new place and see all the boxes.

In Closing

People who have plenty of experience with moving might swear by these tips and tricks. We hope they will help you too and that your moving day will go smoothly and be easier for you.

We hope you found this blog post 5 Tips and Tricks to Make Relocating Easier And Less Stressful, useful. Be sure to check out our post Tips on How to Move Out of State for more great tips!

Follow This Checklist Before Moving Into a New Home

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