With so many fitness trends coming and going, it can be hard to take any new fad workout or diet seriously. Just because it’s all the rage on Instagram doesn’t mean it should be your next big lifestyle change.
To help you weed out the worrisome from the worthy, here are five fitness trends to up your game.
#1 Wearable Technology
Technology, in general, seems to be creeping its way into every aspect of our lives. Exercise, once a pure and unfettered activity, now includes a whole host of gadgets that can help improve your current workout routine.
Fitness trackers, running calculator, and watches provide detailed data on your step count, heart rate, and calories burned. If you’re using them for running, walking, or cycling, there are apps that track distance traveled and the specific inclination of your routes.
What was once a one-off workout is now one data point among many. These in-depth analyses can help you work towards your goals through detailed quantitative feedback about your improvements or shortcomings.
Upgrade your workouts by using smart technology to chart your progress and target specific areas.
#2 Virtual, On-Demand Fitness
Gone are the days where you have to miss your weekly Zumba class because you’ve scheduled a dentist appointment for the same time. Now, you can do a workout pretty much anywhere, any time.
Follow along to pre-recorded dance classes, complete a YouTube yoga sculpt tutorial, or even Skype with your own personal trainer. The convenience of working out from your own abode in your uniquely decorated home gym means you can stop using your busy life as an excuse to put your fitness on the backburner.
#3 Community-Driven Fitness Clubs
Working out alone in your basement, no matter how ripped you’re becoming, feels a little sad and lonely. Fitness clubs and gyms are increasingly aware of the desire for community, even in a seemingly solitary activity. The very act of sweating (and perhaps cursing) alongside someone else will increase motivation and general enjoyment for that exercise.
Some popular group-based fitness programs are running clubs and CrossFit gyms.
Running clubs are typically a great way to get outdoors, get moving, and get acquainted with other runners in your city. There are tons of amazing parks that create the perfect running environment, like Central Park in New York or Griffith Park in Los Angeles.
As for CrossFit, this enduring fitness trend was built on the foundation of fostering community through exercise. It combines varied forms of training with a balanced healthy diet, creating sustainable habits through group motivation and commitment.
Cross training requires a specific kind of footwear that provides both durability and stability for a wide range of workouts. You can find mens cross trainers at most athletic wear retailers, whereas finding the right womens cross training shoes can be a little harder if you don’t know where to look. To know more about the best training shoes to wear.
#4. 30 Day Fitness Challenges
Sometimes, all you need is a little external motivator to kick your fitness regimen into high gear. Many people find ways to use lifestyle changes, like a cross-country move, as a catalyst for introducing new habits. When you’re starting fresh, it can be easy to rethink and redefine a lot of your usual routines.
However, if you don’t have this luxury, you can rely on those ever-popular 30-day fitness challenges to push yourself into establishing a new exercise program. After consistently performing an action for 30 consecutive days, you’re more likely to incorporate it into your everyday life.
Use this particular trend to create something long-term. Just make sure you have the right equipment at home, like a multipurpose yoga mat for those dreaded crunch challenges.
#5 Creatine Workout Supplement
There always seems to be some new vitamin, mineral, drug, or hormone that athletes are ingesting (to varying degrees of safety). Because of the frequency of doping scandals, and its severe side effects, it can seem a little scary to try any supplements, even the natural ones.
Luckily, creatine has been deemed safe and effective for long-term use. It can improve athletic performance and physical recovery, making it a very popular pre-workout choice. Just take a few grams of creatine, a scoop of whey protein, your favorite fruits, and a splash of milk—consider how these ingredients can also help manage hormone imbalances—throw them in a blender, and you’re ready to start your workout right!
Level Up Your Fitness
Trends come and go, but a healthy lifestyle and emphasis on personal well-being should be forever. The benefits of these five fitness trends make them more than a fad, but rather a genuine way to raise your workout to the next level.
There are many simple things you can do to help level up your fitness. One fitness tip is to make sure that you warm up before working out. A warm-up helps to increase your heart rate and get your muscles ready for exercise. It is also important to cool down after your workout, as this helps your body recover and lowers your risk of injury.
Another fitness tip is to vary your workouts. If you do the same workout routine every day, you will quickly become bored and less likely to stick with it. Mixing up your workouts not only keeps things interesting, but it also helps to challenge your body in different ways. Finally, make sure to fuel your body properly before and after exercise. Eating a balanced diet will give you the energy you need to power through your workouts and help your body recover afterwards. By following these simple fitness tips, you can level up your fitness in no time. Getting the right gear for your fitness routine will allow you to enjoy it even more, here are some stylish yoga tights that can work great for you.
Finding Help with Moving Professionals
We hope you found this blog post on 5 Fitness Trends That Will Take Your Workout To The Next Level, useful. Be sure to check out our post on How To Stay Healthy When You Travel for more great tips!
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