disinfecting mobile phone

Keeping your business clean and sanitized has become particularly important during the COVID-19 pandemic. Make sure that you, your employees, and your customers remain healthy and safe by following these tips for cleaning your business during COVID.

The Importance of Keeping Your Business Clean

The COVID-19 outbreak has proven the necessity of thorough and regular cleaning practices for every home and business.

Germs and diseases spread rapidly. Every item you touch and the air you breathe is full of bacteria and viruses that could potentially result in sickness.

Due to the present fear of contracting COVID-19, it is essential to practice safe and healthy cleaning habits.

If your business is threatened by the COVID-19 pandemic, ensure you’re consistently emphasizing the importance of cleanliness.

Demonstrate care for your employees by establishing rules for maintaining health. Show your love for your customers by implementing and advertising detailed cleaning practices.

Your employees and customers will appreciate the extra time and effort you dedicate to ensuring everyone is safe.

Ultimately, the same cleaning and disinfecting methods to use in your home will equally benefit your business. Consider following these 5 crucial cleaning tips during COVID-19:

1. Prepare Yourself

Healthy habits start with you and your employees. Inform your business associates of the COVID-19 safety requirements you’ll implement to ensure a quality work environment.

Most importantly, your company must enforce regular and careful handwashing. This is one of the top business tips for cleaning your business during COVID. Post signs around your business to remind employees to wash their hands. Include information related to frequency, timing, and procedure.

Utilize protective gear when applicable. Wear masks and gloves to stop the spread of germs. Additionally, consider wearing an isolation gown, depending on the job and the duties being performed.

Promote personal hygiene, such as applying hand sanitizer and taking showers,  throughout the workplace to make sure everyone remains healthy and safe.

Providing Covid-19 testing for your staff is another way to prevent an outbreak in your workplace. You can identify an active case, take steps to isolate employees, and thoroughly clean your workplace. Some employers may opt for DIY tests to be self-administered by staff. Alternately, a medical service like Drip Hydration can provide onsite COVID testing in Miami, FL, and other metropolitan cities in the US.

Before you can begin cleaning your business, you must protect yourself and your employees. Follow these safety procedures to ensure you’re fully prepared.

Most importantly, provide your employees with the right tools and training to protect themselves and your customers from the coronavirus. Ensure that your establishment has medical-grade disposable gloves, face masks, cleaners, disinfectants, and other cleaning and protective equipment in supply at all times. Establish programs to train your employees on how to protect themselves and others from getting infected and how to respond to COVID-positive cases in the workplace. Planning and preparation are vital to ensure the health and safety of everyone.

2. Clean Regularly

Regular cleaning involves utilizing a clean towel, soap, and water to limit the amount of germs and dirt on surfaces. Ensure your business is properly cleaned on a regular schedule before applying disinfectant.

Important areas to clean include frequently touched surfaces, especially surfaces in a public space. Surfaces that require regular cleaning include:

  • Door handles
  • Light switches
  • Tables
  • Chairs
  • Countertops
  • Phones
  • Keyboards
  • Desks
  • Toilets
  • Faucets

High-touch surfaces and frequency of cleaning will vary, depending on the type of business you own. Evaluate the structure and layout of your business to determine areas that demand stricter cleaning procedures.

Ensure every risky and contaminated surface in your business is thoroughly cleaned to prevent the risk of sickness and slow the spread of COVID-19.

3. Disinfect Surfaces

After you’ve carefully cleaned the frequently touched surfaces at your business, it’s time to apply disinfectant. Disinfectant kills germs on surfaces to truly eliminate the risk of spreading disease. Regular cleaning and disinfecting are common tips for cleaning your business during COVID.

Search for high-quality and approved disinfectants for killing the COVID-19 virus. Diligently read the disinfectant label to apply the product correctly and safely and to ensure you reap the maximum benefits.

If you don’t have access to a certain disinfectant, consider mixing bleach and water to create a powerful cleaning solution.

Disinfect every surface at your business after you clean it. Pay special attention to the surfaces that are touched and utilized the most.

Apply disinfectant regularly at your business to help keep you, your employees, and your customers consistently safe and healthy.

4. Consider Pressure Washing

Pressure washing is a powerful tool for cleaning, disinfecting, and eliminating germs. If you’re interested in taking your cleaning practices to the next level, consider how pressure washing could benefit your business.

A pressure washer is a tool that sprays water at high pressures to clean larger objects.

Power wash the outside of your building, specifically high traffic areas, to thoroughly clean and improve your business.

Pressure washing is potentially dangerous. Consult and hire professional Kansas City power washing companies to guarantee the job is completed correctly and safely.

5. Improve Your Filtration System

Indoor air quality significantly contributes to the health of your employees and customers. Decrease the spread of germs and disease at your business by improving your filtration system.

Breathing contaminated air negatively impacts the health, cleanliness, and performance of your business. If the air you breathe contains viruses, bacteria, and mold, you have a greater chance of getting sick or spreading COVID-19.

Install updated and high-grade filtration systems to filter and remove harmful pathogens from the air.

Assess and improve your business’s filtration system to guarantee everyone’s breathing clean air.

Ensure your business continues to thrive by following these crucial tips for cleaning during COVID-19.

We hope you found this blog post on 5 Crucial Tips for Cleaning Your Business During COVID-19 useful. Be sure to check out our post on How Keeping the Workplace Clean will Benefit Your Business? for more great tips!


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