With poor planning and organization, relocating to a new place can be wasteful. However, if you get everything right, your long-distance moving process can be exciting and fun. In an effort to get your items to the next destination, it’s easier to find yourself purchasing stacks of cardboard boxes and rolls of bubble wrap. Want to make your next long-distance relocation more sustainable? There are great ways to achieve that. Let’s find out how to relocate while remaining eco-friendly.

couple signing received from moving boxes

Hire a Sustainable Moving Company

Want to move while remaining sustainable? Partner with an environmentally conscious long-distance moving firm. A sustainable moving firm like Pods takes sustainability seriously. It strives to lower your relocation’s carbon footprint. These companies use portable storage units as well as:

  • Recyclable or biodegradable packaging materials
  • Reusable boxes
  • Trucks powered by electricity or biodiesel

Also, they have charitable partnerships that help relocating individuals find a second life for their donations. Some long-distance moving firms stretch further to plant trees in their customers’ new homes.

Declutter and Downsize

Decide what isn’t useful to you before you can pack. Want to avoid spending money and time to move items you don’t need? Start downsizing. Less items mean fewer packing supplies as well as a smaller moving truck. Additionally, when you sell or donate unwanted belongings, those who need them can get second-hand items. This is more sustainable compared to throwing them away or receivers purchasing new ones.

To declutter and downsize effectively, consider whether each belonging is worth moving. Have clothes that do not fit? Mismatched furniture? Or barely used utensils and garden tools? Get rid of them before you relocate. Once you are sure of the items you want to keep and those to sell or donate, start your packing process.

Use Sustainable Moving Supplies

While moving, you can also be sustainable by using eco-friendly supplies. One of the moving supplies you’ll need is boxes. Ask other individuals for used boxes instead of purchasing new ones. Have old boxes? You can also use them. Local businesses such as retail stores and restaurants might also provide you with free boxes when you ask them.

Unable to get used or old boxes? You can also rent their reusable equals. These eco-friendly boxes might even be more affordable than cardboard. Also, you can use plastic bins for long-distance moving. Once you relocate, you can use these plastic bins for storing some of your items.

It is also possible to double down on sustainability in other moving supplies. Consider using biodegradable packing tapes from sustainable providers. Such tapes are manufactured from paper, which can break down easily compared to plastic. Want to pad boxes? Don’t go for bubble wrap or Styrofoam. You can use items such as old clothing, which you can donate, or blankets that you can reuse.

Are these options not on your list? Find biodegradable versions of products such as bubble wrap and packing peanuts. Obtain these items from eco-friendly firms.

Sustainably Dispose Of Your Items

There might be a lot of things that you cannot find their perfect destination for prior to moving. Most of these materials can be recycled. Some of them might require specific disposal techniques. For instance, many people who are relocating throw away their electronic devices. This isn’t a sustainable way to dispose of them. Electronic waste features harmful metals that can destroy plant and human life. Find places that can help you safely dispose of your electronic waste.

Paper products are also commonly thrown away, including moldy books and magazines. They can be recycled or repurposed. Additional items that can be recycled or repurposed include:

  • Mattresses
  • Light bulbs
  • Styrofoam
  • Power cords
  • Batteries

Relocations also involve disposing of harmful waste such as oils, paints, and cleaning chemicals. Find resources near you that can help safely dispose of to avoid polluting the environment.

Remain Sustainable After Moving

There are things you can do to remain sustainable after relocating. They include:

Reduce Waste When Unpacking

Once you arrive, it’s time to unpack. Closely monitor your moving materials. Take into consideration supplies that you can reuse. Keep boxes safe since they can help you next time. Also, you can find someone who needs them. Those boxes that are in bad condition can be repurposed. For example, you can use them as an underneath mulch. This can help reduce weeds in your garden.

Purchase Environmentally Friendly Appliances

Want to purchase some new items for your new home? Purchase those that are eco-friendly. For instance, if you want to purchase new appliances, find those that are energy efficient. Pick appliances that meet strict criteria or conditions set by organizations like the EPA. Such appliances will save you a lot of money. This is especially true in terms of monthly bills.

Set Up Your New Abode in an Eco-Friendly Way

Consider setting up your new abode in a sustainable manner. For instance, you can use:

  • Eco-friendly cleaning supplies and paints
  • LED light bulbs
  • Excellent insulation and ventilation

Relocation provides a great opportunity to cultivate a sustainable home.

These are ways to make your long-distance moving sustainable. From hiring sustainable moving and storage companies like PODS to staying eco-friendly after moving, you have an endless list of ways to ensure your move is friendly to the environment.

We hope you found this blog post 5 Best Ways To Make Long-Distance Moving More Eco-Friendly useful. Be sure to check out our post Green Moving Tips – Eco-Friendly Moving Guide for more great tips!


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