Consider Before Moving

Moving from the big, crowded city to a more relaxed, quiet house in the suburbs can be the ideal move for many families. A lot of couples envision making the move when they have children, the idea being that the suburbs are safer, and cleaner, and thus a better place to raise kids.

Whatever your reason for moving to the suburbs, there are still some important aspects to consider before packing up your house. Like?

1. There will be more wildlife

Obviously, the extent of this will vary greatly, depending on the area where you move. This is why it’s good to do a bit of research on the local fauna before you set out for the suburbs. What kind of nuisance wildlife is most common in your chosen area? Are there venomous snakes or spiders to worry about? What about coyotes? Knowing this kind of stuff can go a long way towards a more pleasurable experience.

Once you’ve settled on a home, it may also be a good idea to consult with a wildlife expertise specialist in the area. They will be able to give you the scoop on what kind of animals to expect, and how to best approach a possible infestation. While most common nuisance wildlife, like opossums, rats, squirrels, and so on, aren’t vicious or harmful by default, their presence can pose a threat. As such, it’s best to be prepared, and to have a wildlife removal specialist nearby.

2. Consider the commute

One important aspect of relocating to the suburbs is that it may take you significantly longer to get to work, or to your other appointments. This is a common complaint for families relocating from the city to the suburbs.

Sure, the suburbs can provide a great outlet, and a place for relaxation, away from the busy city streets. However, if you don’t own a car, relocating to the suburbs may imply significantly more time spent on the road. Similarly, even if you do have a car, but gas prices and long traffic jams make it impractical to drive into the city, you’ll need to consider the commute.

How quickly can you get into the city? How might you use that time every day? A lot of people find comfort by reading, or listening to podcasts, or even getting some work done on the train. In that sense, a long commute can be advantageous.

3. Access to necessities

The suburbs are an area of peace and quiet, which is why many city-dwellers prefer them, at a certain point. Things are easier in the suburbs, largely because there aren’t so many people there. And while that may give you peace and space, it also creates some practical problems.

Before relocating to the suburbs, you need to consider the area you’ll be living in, and what necessities will be provided for you. Would your shopping needs be covered? While many suburbs are within a fairly small distance from a shopping center and have their grocery needs met, other types of shopping may be harder to come by. If so, how much of a problem would that create for your lifestyle?

Also consider other types of necessities, most importantly access to medical help. If something happens, how fast can you get to a hospital? If you are someone who needs to meet regular doctor’s appointments, moving to the suburbs may also be impractical, due to the long time you’d spend on the road.

While none of these are automatic reasons to abandon the suburbs, they should all feature in your planning.

4.  Don’t let the promise of more space fool you

A lot of city-dwellers, accustomed to the fairly small confines of a city apartment, are shocked when they first start seeing homes in the suburbs. Suddenly, they’ve got all this space on their hands, and sometimes, that makes them buy homes without really thinking.

When choosing your house in the suburbs, don’t automatically spring for the biggest one, since you might not need that much space. For instance, how many bathrooms do you really need, if you live by yourself? How much space do you need in the kitchen, if you’re not too interested in cooking?

Since moving to the suburbs will mean a serious change of pace, and a foregoing of some of your current amenities, you need to think carefully. It’d be preferable to buy a smaller house that’s closer to the city, to doctors, friends, work, and so on, rather than a larger house with space you don’t need.

Be prepared for change

Moving to the suburbs can be daunting at first, particularly if you’ve lived in the city your whole life. You’ll exchange proximity to your social circle for proximity to nature, which isn’t a bad trade, but one you should be prepared for, lest it come as a shock.

We hope you found this blog post on 4 Things to Consider Before Moving From Cities to Suburbs, useful. Be sure to check out our post on “What is Like Moving From Living In The City To The Suburb?” for more great tips!

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