tips for moving house

Moving house can be an incredibly stressful experience. Whether you’re moving out for the very first time or completing the latest in a series of property ladder climbing maneuvers, nobody truly enjoys the process of moving house; it’s arduous, frustrating, and tense. That’s why you should be trying to make it as easy as possible for yourself by doing whatever is in your power to ease the process. Here are 10 things you need to remember when you’re moving house, even in New York.

1. Have some cash handy

Many people don’t realize that moving house isn’t just stressful; it can be expensive, too. When you factor in potential temporary accommodation while you’re moving, as well as the cost of removals companies, new furnishings, and other expenses, you might end up spending a significant amount on moving. In this instance, it can be helpful to look to direct lender loans or other cash injections, which can soften the blow a little and give you room to breathe while you’re dealing with all the other stresses of moving.

2. Pack efficiently

While packing everything into a box marked “miscellaneous” might feel good in the moment, you’ll kick yourself when it comes time to unpack everything later. From the very beginning of the packing process, it’s a good idea to prioritize efficiency and logic. Clearly mark every single box and carefully consider where every item should go within those boxes. Don’t hedge; if you’re not sure, ask your partner or anyone else who’s helping you to move. Speaking of which…

3. Enlist help

Whatever you do, don’t try to move house entirely by yourself. You might think that you can deal with the stress, but eventually, you’re going to overlook something or forget something. A fresh pair of eyes can help you to ensure that you’ve got everything you need, and you might need another person to help you with some of the more grueling physical labour as well. Whether it’s family, friends, or your partner, you should definitely reach out to someone for help while you’re moving.

4. Make sure your bills are in order

There’s nothing worse than receiving an angry letter from a service provider or a council because you forgot to inform them that you’re moving. Make sure that before you actually begin the move, all of the relevant companies have been notified. Here’s a quick checklist you can use for the basics.

  • Electricity
  • Gas (if you have it)
  • Internet
  • Council tax
  • Insurance

Of course, there are others, but these are some of the main companies you need to make absolutely sure you inform before you leave.

5. Keep essentials separate

Don’t pack your essentials into the same boxes as all of your other stuff. It’ll be immensely frustrating if you’re in the middle of a moving process that’s going to take several days and you forget to pack your toothbrush somewhere you can easily access it, for example. That’s why it’s important to prepare an essentials box, which will contain all of the things you need in order to have a smooth and stress-free first night or two in your new home.

6. Clean your old place

This is more of a courtesy to the people who will be moving into your new home, but make sure that you perform one final deep clean in your old place before you move. This will help to keep things hygienic for the next occupant, and depending on whether you’re renting or not, it may also be a requirement that your landlord has before you can leave. Check every nook and cranny to make sure it isn’t in need of more cleaning, and then you can leave with a clear conscience!

7. Plan early

As soon as you know you’re going to be moving house, that’s the time when you should start planning. Don’t leave anything til the last minute; you won’t forgive yourself when there are a thousand other stresses piling up and you also forgot something critical that you should have planned at the beginning. Removals companies, where everything will be packed, and which firms you need to notify of your departure are all things that should be part of your initial moving list.

8. Separate items your removals company won’t move

Some items won’t be eligible for removals. These could include anything that contains hazardous chemicals or anything that’s liable to shatter (plant pots, for instance, or glass items). Check with your removals company to make sure you know everything they won’t transport, then arrange for those items to be moved separately. There’s nothing worse than being left with a box of things that you can’t re-home because nobody will help you to move them!

9. Take it easy

The actual day of your move is going to be intensely stressful for you. There’s pretty much nothing you can do about that. However, you can try to alleviate the stress by making sure that you take it easy. Set aside time for regular breaks; don’t work around the clock, because you’ll quickly burn yourself out. Remember to eat and drink regularly to keep your energy up, and make sure to make cups of tea or coffee to keep yourself calm and collected.

10. Don’t expect immediate perfection

It can be easy to get disappointed with a new home, even once everything is in place. The fact is that no house or flat is instantly going to feel as welcoming and cosy as your old place did. That’s going to take time; you’re going to need to acclimatize to your new home, which will involve simply spending time there and doing the things you love. Don’t beat yourself up if everything doesn’t immediately feel like it should; settle in, give yourself room to breathe, and enjoy life. 

We hope you found this blog post 10 Things To Remember when Moving House, useful. Be sure to check out our post Tips for a Successful Local Move for more great tips!

The Best Tips for Moving to a New House 2022

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